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桃子成熟了。The peaches are ripe.

这些葡萄熟了。These grapes are ripe.

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桃子熟了好摘。Ripe peaches pick easily.

樱桃熟透了。The cherries are quite ripe.

她们是熟透了的果实。They were these ripe fruits.

但是时机可能未必成熟。But the time may not be ripe.

这些桃子还是生的。The peaches are not ripe yet.

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西红柿还没熟。The tomatoes are not yet ripe.

这些苹果又好又熟。These apples are good and ripe.

假种皮红色,熟时有光泽。Aril rusty and polish when ripe.

有了时间和稻草,就能捂熟山楂。Time and straw make medlars ripe.

成熟而清新爽利。Ripe but refreshing on the palate.

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树上有一粒波罗密成熟。There's a ripe jackfruit in the tree.

稻穗金黄。The ears of paddy are ripe and golden.

这梨熟得能让我吃了。The pear is ripe enough for me to eat.

熟透的李子和苹果自然会坠落。Plums and apples thoroughly ripe do fall.

成熟红果和香料的芬芳十分馥郁。Rich aromas of ripe red fruit and spices.

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这个国家革命的条件还并未成熟。This country was not ripe for revolution.

晚餐番茄一个、熟蛋一个、鲜橙一个。Dinner tomatoes a, ripe one egg, orange one.

那时正是葡萄初熟的时候.It was the season for the first ripe grapes.