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民意测验机关时时对选民进行抽样调查。Polling organizations sampled the electorate at intervals.

在国内,广大的选民浮躁不安,徬徨而无所适从。In the country the vast electorate was restless and adrift.

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他的好口才为他赢得了选民的青睐。His eloquent speech has won him the favor of the electorate.

你认为应如何扩阔功能界别的选民基础?Any other ways you propose to broaden the electorate base of FCs?

1983年选民选举保守党执政,其票数超过上届的多数票。The electorate put the Tories in with an increased majority in 1983.

中等收入的英国人当然是政治家们最青睐的选民。Middle England is, of course, the most courted part of the electorate.

这使工党想呈现给选民一个欣欣向荣的经济的希望破灭。This dented Labour’s hopes to present a reviving economy to the electorate.

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他们通过维持两党制,很轻松地组织选民。The organize the electorate very simply by maintaining the two-party system.

阅读能造就博闻且有涵养的选民,这对民主是很重要的。Reading builds the educated and informed electorate so vital to our democracy.

问题是要有能投合选民心意的一整套相配得当的政策。It's a question of getting the right mix of policies to appeal to the electorate.

一个叛逆的德国选民愈发带着反感的情绪看待紧急救助。A rebellious German electorate views the idea of bailouts with increasing antipathy.

我们呼吁诗巫选区和兰南选区的选民们查看自己的选民资格。We urge all electorate from Sibu and Lanang to check their status in the electoral roll.

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这个闭关自守的党派似乎挑不出一位能获得更广泛选民的代言人。The introverted party looked unable to pick a front-man who impress the wider electorate.

这句话是指,民调会影响候选人的策略与选民的抉择。That means they influence both the candidates’ strategies and the choices of the electorate.

所有这些给共和党及选民中心提供了象征性和实质性桥梁。All provided symbolic and substantive bridges to Republicans and the center of the electorate.

如果在你的选区里发生的政治问题对你个人产生了影响,你会怎么处理?What would you do if a political matter that impacted you personally arose in your electorate?

如果真的演变成政治力量,也还不知道它将以怎样的形式表现、美国选民将如何看待。If it does, it's unclear how that will play out and how it will be viewed by the American electorate.

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迄今为止,对奥巴马的理念反应不佳的一部分选民是拉美裔人。One segment of the electorate that has not responded well to Obama's message so far is that of Latinos.

至今,对奥巴马的竞选演讲反应不佳的一部分选民是拉美裔人。One segment of the electorate that has not responded well to Obama's message so far is that of Latinos.

奥巴马的支持者对该问题意见不一,许多人指责绝大部分选民偏执。His supporters have divided on the issue, with many accusing the larger part of the electorate of bigotry.