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她拍电报给家里要钱。She wired home for money.

他给我拍电报说我已及格。He wired me that I had passed.

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这家伙就是脑子搭错线了。This guy just aint wired right.

他用金属丝把破椅子绑好。He wired a broken chair together.

他立即发电报要儿子回来。He wired for his son immediately.

我们的大脑对好奇总是精力充沛的。Our brains are wired to be curious.

她拍电报说她很快就来。She wired that she was coming soon.

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他和我就是兴趣完全不同。He and I are just wired differently.

这个播音室正在安装音响设备用的电线。The studio is being wired for sound.

他拍电报给我,说他将延期到达。He wired me that he would be delayed.

他用金属丝将坏椅子绑好了。He has wired the broken chair together.

那种织物陈列在金属制的架子上。The fabric was displayed on a wired stand.

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我们的大脑对好奇总是精力充沛的。Ask Why Our brains are wired to be curious.

是现在市场上最优秀的电子阅读系统。WIRED The best e-reading system on the market.

我们大家都加了把劲,活儿很快就干完了。We all wired in and soon the job was finished.

“我仍然支持我的数据,”他对Wired.com说。“I’m standing by our data,” he told

检查插头是否插好了。Check that the plug has been wired up properly.

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阀门是预先安装在电脑上与有线电路板。Valves are pre-mounted & wired on the pc board.

珍打电报把这一新发现告诉了路易斯-利基。Jane wired Louis Leakey with this new discovery.

他打电报通知他们自己所乘的航班和到达时间。He wired them his flight number and arrival time.