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由理生是一块泥土。Urizen is a clod of clay!

那里面是一个巨大的土块。Inside is this giant dirt clod.

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对这个意见不要浇冷水。Don't pour clod water on the idea.

从土块里还伸出来一只鞋。Sticking out of the clod is a shoe.

在这里一年的大部分时候是很冷的。Most of the year it's very clod here.

这是一个冬天下午的寒阴雨后。It was a clod and rainy afternoon in winter.

我不知道原来我是这么一个麻木不仁的笨蛋。I didn't realize I was being an insensitive clod.

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尽管他有大学文凭,一位笨蛋,仍然是笨蛋。Despite his college degree, a clod is still a clod.

先生为一位不懂礼貌的人工作,常常让他恼火。Mr. A works for a clod who rides herd on him all the time.

“妮科尔,”他说,“你病了吗?是感冒了还是发烧了?”"Nicole, " he said, "Are you sick? Do you have a clod or a fever?"

刺骨的暴风夹着密集而寒冷的风雪,扫过湿漉漉的街道。A bitter storm of slt, dense and ice- clod , swept the wet streets.

一些人说它是一件非常容易的事物在一个土块早晨起床。Some people say it is a very easy thing to get up on a clod morning.

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硬邦邦的土块变散了,太阳温和的轻轻拍打着土壤。The hard clod of soil dissolved, and the sun patted the soil tenderly.

地面气压场主要受庞大的冷高压控制。Surface pressure field was mainly controlled by the huge clod high pressure.

在地球年轻时,整个地球像是一块刚从火炉取出的煤块。In the youth of earth, the whole earth was like a coal clod taken from stove.

她在山上捡了一块土疙瘩愣说是珍宝。She picked up a clod of earth on the mountain, and insisted it was a treasure.

正当他想着这些时,一个男孩扔过来一团泥块,打中了他的手臂。A boy threw a clod of mud while he was thus reflecting and hit him upon the arm.

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十二月天寒地冻,所以我们穿上厚重的衣服外出。In December, we must wear heavy clothes when go out since it is clod at that time.

春雨再次光临,流进土地里,把硬邦邦的土块打湿,使土壤变得松软。Spring rain came again, and it made the hard clod of soil moist and soft after it flowed into the ground.

这两天得了感冒,一件不算很严重的事情,却因为周末要参加歌唱比赛,而让事情变得很糟糕。These days, I have got a bad clod . It ' s not serious matter, but I would attend a singing match at this weekends.