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我昨天买了一个枕套。I bought a pillowcase yesterday.

我把我的枕头放进枕套中。I put my pillow into my pillowcase.

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她给枕头套镶上花边。She edged the pillowcase with lace.

我把我的枕头放进枕套中。I put my pillow into the pillowcase.

舒鼾枕有专门的枕套吗?Does the Sona Pillow come with a pillowcase?

整理好你的床铺,同时换一下枕套。Fold up your bedding, and change the pillowcase.

将保护套带拉链的一端先放入枕头套中。Place the zippered end into the pillowcase first.

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一般的枕套适用舒鼾枕吗?Can I use a regular pillowcase with the Sona Pillow?

有,每个舒鼾枕都附带一个特制枕套,方便使用。Yes, the Sona Pillow comes with a special pillowcase made for this pillow.

两个枕套的开口处要面向床的中间。The pillowcase openings must be facing each other in the middle of the bed.

我记得那白枕套的事情,我还以为你们是在扮“会飞的修女”呢。And that-that pillowcase thing, I thought you guys were just doing"the flying nun".

如果你把大脑拿出来并展开,它可能会有一个枕头套那么大。If you took the cerebrum out and spread it out, it would be the size of a pillowcase.

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不会,那是一种风格,把它们拿下来,你就归发现有个枕头套在枕头套里是供你安歇的。No. That's the style. Take them off and you will find one in a pillowcase to sleep on.

荞麦壳平地滑左右,豆类在被套枕套和调整你走你的睡眠。Buckwheat hulls are flat beans that slide around and adjust in the pillowcase as you move in your sleep.

由于质地柔软、耐用,我们的棉质床单和枕套倍受欢迎。注意,注意力集中。Because of their softness and durability, our cotton bed sheet and pillowcase is rapidly becoming popular.

在传统的芬兰婚礼前夕,即将结婚的新娘带着一个枕头套,挨家挨户收取新婚礼物。In Finland, a traditional bride-to-be walks door-to-door with a pillowcase to receive her wedding presents.

圣诞前夜孩子们上床之前都要挂起一条长筒袜或枕套来装礼物。On Christmas Eve, when the children go to bed they often hang up a large stocking or pillowcase to receive the presents.

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保持卧室的空气湿度,向枕套里撒一点桉树油或香草油来保持鼻腔清新。Humidify the air in the bedroom and rubbing a few drops of eucalyptus or olbas oil into the pillowcase to help clear the nose.

不会,那是一种风格,把它们拿下来,你就会发现有个枕头在枕头套里供你安歇。Do you really have to sleep with all of them?No. That's the style. Take them off and you'll find one in a pillowcase to sleep on.

每隔几天,我就骑车顺着斜坡下山来到海伦家,车把上挂着的枕套里装满我发现的每一样东西。Every few days I coasted down the hill to Helen's on my bike, the pillowcase full of everything I'd found tied to the handlebars.