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气体水合物是一类笼形结构的冰状晶体。Gas hydrate is a kind of ice clathrate hydrate.

气体水合物是一类笼形结构的冰状晶体。Gas hydrate is a kind of ice -like clathrate hydrate.

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得到的笼形包合物中存在不同的弱相互作用。There exist different weak interactions in the clathrate complexation.

甚至在地中海的湖面上空的雾气里都足以产生这种晶体结构物质。Even a few of the lakes in Central Asia are just frosty enough to support clathrate formation.

可燃冰是一种非传统的化石燃料,但是比传统化石燃料更洁净。Methane clathrate is a non-traditional fossil fuel that is cleaner than traditional fossil fuels.

研究了吡咯烷与甲哌嗡复合有机近非水体系中笼形类沸石材料的合成规律。The synthesis of clathrate compound MTN in a near non-aqueous system containing morpholine was investigated.

据估计这种晶体结构所储存的能量相当于全世界所有石化原料总和的两倍。Some guess that clathrate methane reserves could equal twice the rest of the world's fossil fuel supplies combined.

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本发明属于农药领域,特别是植物性杀虫剂的环糊精及其衍生物的包合物及其制备方法。The present invention relates to farm chemical and especially plant pesticide clathrate and its preparation process.

研究了吡咯烷与甲哌嗡复合有机近非水体系中笼形类沸石材料的合成规律。The synthesis of clathrate compound in a near non-aqueous system comprising pyrrolidine and mepiquat chloride was investigated.

根据中央地质调查所日前表示,在高雄至屏东外海有丰富藏量的「可燃冰」The Central Geological Survey recently stated that there were bounteous deposits of methane clathrate off the shores of Kaohsiung and Pingtung.

惰性气体可以在水中形成笼形水合物,限制水分子的活动,延长果蔬的贮存时间。Inert gases form clathrate hydrates when dissolved in water, astrict the activity of water molecule, prolong the store of fruits and vegetables.

采用阀座喷嘴、笼形阀套节流轴结构,具有多级节流功能,节流压差大。It adopts valve seat nozzle, clathrate valve bush throttle structure and has the function of multistage throttle. The throttle pressure difference is big.

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很多的甲烷晶状体附着物位于海底内陆蓄存池的上方,所以随着它的开发会打一个巨大无比的“嗝”-----这是环境的冲击造成的。Many clathrate deposits sit atop grand reservoirs of free gas, so that drilling might unleash a methane burp of enormous size, with environmental impacts to match.

介绍了一种用于合成笼型结构水合物的合成设备、合成原理及用水合物储运煤层气的优点。The article introduces the principle and equipments for production of clathrate hydrate, and the advantages of storing and transporting coalbed methane in hydrate form.

国外为了节能,很重视包接化合物的研究,而在国内尚未见到有关论文。In order to save energy, much attention has been paid to the research for clathrate com- pounds abroad. And the domestic theses concerning this respect haven't ever been found.

这种情况的不同之处是,由于甲烷目前是以冷冻,包合物的形式存在,不需要有额外的细菌作用,只要海洋环境变暖就可释放出来。The difference with this scenario is that no additional bacterial action is needed, only warming of the sea environment, as the methane is already present in it’s frozen, clathrate form.

天然气水合物是在高压、低温条件下由水分子和气体分子形成的笼形化合物,是21世纪一种具有巨大潜在开发价值的海洋新型能源矿产。Gas hydrate is a kind of clathrate that is formed by water and gas molecules under high pressure and low temperature. It is thought to be a new potential source of energy in the 21st Century.