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举起我的手来。Raise my hand.

举高你的双臂。Raise your arms.

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请举手。Raise your hands.

他要求加薪水。He aked for raise.

鼓起你的脸颊。Raise your cheeks.

提高你的扣除。Raise your deductible.

我们升高压强。We raise the pressure.

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他钻营谋求加薪。He bucked for a raise.

再次举起手来Raise your hands again.

我养的小野猫。I raise a small wild cat.

舍得花钱去筹到更多的资金。Spend money to raise mone.

他们为什么提高物价?Why did they raise prices?

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如果你提高温度。You raise the temperature.

为一个好日子举杯祝酒。Raise a toast to a good day.

他们饲养马和羊。They raise horses and sheep.

不要对我大声囔囔。Don't raise your voice at me.

我必须提出一些问题。I have tto raise some issues.

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请举下手Just raise your hand, please.

请把手举高点Raise your hand nice and big.

我们以养鸭为副业。We raise ducks as a sideline.