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我是个学者。I'm a scholar.

谷歌学者。Google Scholar.

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他是位有真才实学的学者。He is no mean scholar.

他是个博学的学者。He is a learned scholar.

他是个徒有虚名的学者。He is a scholar of a kind.

也是一位受尊敬的学者。You are a respected scholar.

先生称B先生是位学者。Mr. A called Mr. B a scholar.

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学者的天地在书斋。A scholar belong in his study.

我的愿望是成为一名学者。My wish is to become a scholar.

你是学者,又是督导。You’re a scholar and a supervisor.

从他的举止可以看出他是一名学者。His manners proclaim him a scholar.

两个声音打断了大学士。Two voices interrupted the scholar.

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依照琐罗亚斯德教学者Dr。According to Zoroastrian scholar Dr.

从痛苦中得来的教训无人可教。Pain teaches lessons no scholar can.

学而优则仕。A good scholar will make an official.

一个矮胖的书生模样的士兵说道。A soldier of dumpy scholar shape say.

爱德华博士是一位最博学多才的学者。Dr. Edward is a most learned scholar.

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秀才无言以对。Scholar without made with the matter.

霍布斯是一个有天赋的古典学者。Hobbes was a gifted classical scholar.

“我是一个学者和怀疑论者”,他说。"I am a scholar and a sceptic, " he says.