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苏格兰圣安德鲁大学的W。W. Tecumseh Fitch of the University of St.

广州天誉威斯汀酒店五月份开业。Guangzhou days Fitch Westin Hotel opened in May.

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她父亲坚决反对她嫁给那个一无是处的菲奇。Her father was dead set against her marrying that no-good Fitch.

阿伯克龙比1907年辞职离开了以斯拉惠誉手中的商店。Abercrombie resigned in 1907 leaving the store in the hands of Ezra Fitch.

科罗尔的公司于去年成立,成为标普、穆迪和惠誉的竞争对手。Mr. Kroll's firm was launched last year to challenge S&P, Moody's and Fitch.

这只是一个如何实际运用以及能否全心投入的问题。It was a matter of application and dedication, and Fitch was the taskmaster this team needed.

穆迪早在1909就开展了信用评级业务,标普和惠誉分别在1923年和1927年投身此项业务。Moody's got into the credit-rating business in 1909, followed by S&P in 1923 and Fitch in 1927.

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而在欧元区之外,惠誉认为英国是最有可能丧失"AAA"评级的国家之一.Outside the euro zone, Fitch said Britain was among the most vulnerable triple A-rated countries.

惠誉在完成对葡萄牙第四季度的的审核后维持了其BBB-级评级,未来或会调低至垃圾级别。Fitch kept Portugal at BBB- while it completes its review in the 4Q, potentially seeing a cut to junk status.

惠誉国际及穆迪于2009年分别肯定大新银行之长期信贷评级为「A-」及「A3」级。Dah Sing Bank's long term rating had been affirmed as "A-" and "A3" by Fitch and Moody's respectively in 2009.

评级机构惠誉降低了吉百利和卡夫的信用级别,但是两者的投资级别都保持在BBB-级别。Credit ratings agency Fitch lowered its ratings on Cadbury and Kraft, but both remain investment-grade at BBB-.

为了提高机械化自动化程度,1845年,美国的菲奇发明转塔车床。In order to improve the automation degree of mechanization, in 1845, the American fitch invention turret lathe.

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她在自己的脸书网页面上表示,自己出生的时候其实是一个男孩,出生时被名为大卫·罗伊·芬奇。In a post on her Facebook, Chandler is revealing she was actually born a boy, and named David Roy Fitch at birth.

在数组来捍卫自己的感情,阿伯克龙比惠誉帽衫,他们拒绝看到作为一个人上瘾了。In array to defend their sensibilities, abercrombie fitch hoodie, they nay to see the addict as a person anymore.

惠誉上周撤销嘉汉林业评级,此前惠誉在6月已将该公司评级调降两个级距至BB级.Fitch withdrew its ratings on Toronto-listed Sino-Forest last week, after downgrading it two notches to BB in June.

2007年,惠誉估算,中国每多实现1元的GDP增长要花费1.28元地额外支出,而现在需要2.38元。In 2007, Fitch reckons, it took 1.28 yuan of extra financing to produce an additional yuan of GDP. Now it takes 2.38.

1787年发明家约翰费奇在特拉华河上演示他的蒸气机船的给美国国会的代表观看!In 1787, inventor John Fitch demonstrated his steamboat on the Delaware River to delegates of the Continental Congress.

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惠誉28日将丰田公司的信用评级“A+”定为负面观察,意味可能会调低评级。Fitch on Thursday put a negative outlook on Toyota's "A-plus" debt rating, signalling a possible downgrade in the future.

年龄在18岁到25岁之间的被调查者有超过一半的人说他们正在“认真地考虑”移民一事。More than half of 18 to 25-year-olds questioned said they were 'seriously considering' emigrating, Abercrombie and Fitch.

在岛上处处可见木石的精美雕像和浮雕,因此,该岛又有“艺术之岛”之誉。Mushi everywhere on the island in the exquisite statues and reliefs, therefore, the island called the "Art Island" Fitch.