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朱迪思是个机灵的姑娘。Judith is a sprightly youg woman.

船儿轻快地向前行进。The boat moves forward sprightly.

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投掷他们的头在活泼地跳舞。Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

这是一部轻喜剧而且有一个完美的结局。It's a sprightly comedy and it has a happy end.

作为轻喜剧,这样演是适宜的。As a sprightly comedy, this show fills the bill.

所有瞥见我的人,都摇着头,那动作像在跳一支明快的舞。Ten thousand saw I at a glance, tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

她是个活泼的已婚妇女,但却为一种强烈的责任感所约束。She is a sprightly married woman, hemmed in by an overwhelming sense of duty.

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我写了这出轻快活泼的小独幕剧纯粹是为了试一哈我的新碎纸机。I wrote this sprightly little one-acter only to test out my new paper shredder.

姑妈用愉快的口气说完了这几句话,然后吻了我一下,定住了他对我的祝福。My aunt said this in a sprightly way, and gave me a kiss to ratify the blessing.

连那个活泼的年轻人马吉尔·孟特没有能见到也似乎有点遗憾。It even seemed a pity that the sprightly young man Michael Mont would not have a view.

这些虫子有些就像人类一样,比类似年龄的同胞活得还要生气蓬勃。Like humans, some of the worms remain sprightly much longer than their similarly-aged brethren.

主音箱采用棱角分明的长方形设计,线条简洁明快。The main sound box uses the edges and corners distinct rectangle design, the line succinct sprightly.

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约克先生年青的时候,一向是以喜欢活泼,浮华的女子闻名的。Mr. Yorke, as a general rule, was, when young, noted for his preference of sprightly and dashing women.

恩圭马先生已经67岁了,但是精神矍铄,而且定期到国外做身体检查。他说还不打算退休。A sprightly 67-year-old who has regular health check-ups abroad, Mr Nguema says he has no plans to leave office.

唱诵类短诗在英诗中为数甚多,其节奏明快,意象突出,音律所占诗意比重高。Sprightly in rhythm and remarkable in image, easy-to-read poems take a larger proportion in English poetry realm.

这位出色的组织者在终场前8分钟爆发,把球传入小禁区。The sprightly playmaker then burst through eight minutes from the end and stabbed a ball across the six-yard box.

哈利猛地转过身,阿不思·邓布利多正朝他走来,他腰板挺直,脚步轻快,穿着一件飘逸的深蓝色长袍。He spun around. Albus Dumbledore was walking toward him, sprightly and upright, wearing sweeping robes of midnight blue.

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沃伯特用欢快的笔调引领我们展开一场围绕疾病和神经状况的欢快之旅,它们往往在通向灭亡的道路上等候着我们。Wolpert treats us to a sprightly tour that encompasses the diseases and neurological conditions that may await us en route to extinction.

得益于不断涌入的墨西哥青年人,七国集团中只有美国还相对较年轻,到2009年他们的年龄中位数只有36.4岁。In the G7 only Americans remain relatively young, with a median age in 2009 of just 36.4 years, thanks to a steady influx of sprightly Mexicans.

呈现明亮的嫩黄色,带有多蜜的酸橙汁香气及水蜜桃的芳香。口感完美平衡清新爽快,收口是轻快的柑橘味道。Bright yellow colour. Honeyed lime-juice notes on the nose, with peach aromas The well-balanced mouth is lovely creamy with a sprightly citrus finish.