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他们施巧夺天工计拖垮了敌人。They laid out the enemy by skilful manoeuvre.

他们施巧计拖垮了敌人。They tired out the enemy by skilful manoeuvre.

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他这一手是一个居心叵测的大阴谋。This manoeuvre of his is a diabolical conspiracy.

做事颇有弹性,留有回旋余地。Work quite bouncy , stay have room for manoeuvre.

船只横七竖八地挤在一起,几乎没有多少移动的空间。The clutter of ships had little room to manoeuvre.

跟我们讲讲有关简森的超车策略。Tell us about that overtaking manoeuvre with Jenson.

我以为我可以和约达一样指导他。Well, we'll see if Golz can manoeuvre them a little.

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没有钱这一事实严重限制了他们的发挥。The lack of money severely limits their room for manoeuvre.

我们仍处于这种精巧调控的第一阶段。We are still in the first phase of this delicate manoeuvre.

大多数使用电力驱动的螺旋桨和推进器进行操纵。Most use electrically driven propellers or thrusters to manoeuvre.

轮机员能操纵主机如上程序。Engineer is able to manoeuvre the main engine in the former procedure.

两年制的项目会提供谋划调动的空间以及更多交际的时间。A two-year programme offers room for manoeuvre and more time to network.

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亮亮从小就是个骗子,跟朋友用了好多伎俩!When younger Liangliang is a shicer, manoeuvre was used to many friends.

他希望公司能将他调到苏州的分部。He wish that his corporation could manoeuvre him to the filiale at SuZhou.

图案精美绝伦,造型巧夺天工。These pictures are beauty and delicacy, the modeling is skilful manoeuvre.

这将严重限制了奥巴马在哥本哈根谈判中的回旋余地。That will severely limit Obama's room for manoeuvre at the Copenhagen talks.

用英语写作遣词造句的空间其实比许多人感觉的要大得多。Writing in English offers far more room for manoeuvre than some may realise.

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“水上飞机”一词,包括为能在水面操纵而设计的任何航空器。The word "seaplane" includes any aircraft designed to manoeuvre on the water.

对外部震荡的防护给波兰政策制定者许多策略空间。Protection against external shocks gave Poland's policymakers plenty of room for manoeuvre.

也不可能把一个大箱子调整进双门汽车的后座。It would also be impossible to manoeuvre a large trunk into the back seat of a two-door car.