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为什么西瓜是夏天才有的水果?Why is watermelon fruit of summerly talent some?

为什么一到夏天后手上就喜欢长水泡?Why to like to grow bleb to hand of summerly Queen of heaven?

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建议中性至油性肌肤使用,或者是夏秋季使用。Suggest neuter is used to oily skin, or summerly fall is used.

今夏手链的新款将让夏天你的焕然一新,楚楚动人!Today the new fund of summerly hand catenary will invite summer your look brand-new, be lovely!

不幸的是那是一个昏暗的舞会,我们穿着夏凉短裙和敢跟鞋,很多场景我们穿着内衣。We wear summerly nice short dresses and matching high heels. A lot scenes show us in underwear.

额头上长豆豆了,大概是夏天上火,怎么让豆豆不见呢?。Fabaceous beans grows on forehead, it is summerly sky fire probably, how to let fabaceous beans disappear?

在工作中,高野和夏晓云渐渐产生了感情,但却受到了廖贝妮的阻挠。In the job, gao Ye and summerly dawn cloud produced feeling gradually, but got however Liao Beini's obstruct.

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然而,夏天下定决心要跟随于果生活,令泰勒和于果都大感意外。However, summerly the world is determined to want to follow surely Yuguo lives, ling Taile and at feeling accident greatly if really.

另外,还分析了梅雨与四川盆地、东南沿海地区夏季降水的联系。We also analyzed the relation between the precipitation for Meiyu and the summerly precipitation in Sichuan , the areas in southeast China along sea.

夏日的阳光让炭头看来比平日黑得更纯粹一些,皮毛发亮,长尾巴竖起来搧啊搧的,像在赶苍蝇。He looks darker than usual in the summerly sunlight. Its fur appears solid and ashine , the long tail has stuck up waving like it is dissipating flies.

戴先生与同样有买房想法、但同样经济紧张的夏先生一商量,决定两人一起供房。Mr Dai and have the idea that buy a house likewise, but the summerly gentleman of same economy insecurity discusses, decide two people offer a room together.

李国良偷了妻子为夏曦攒下的学费去买彩票,妻子获悉后急火攻心,患病去世。Li Guoliang stole the tuition that the wife issues for summerly sunlight assemble to buy lottery ticket, after the wife learns heart of urgent fire attack, sicken dies.

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要画得又粗又精致,不要用棉签擦匀哦,因为今年夏妆的特点就是不要柔和,只要“抢眼”。Should draw thick delicate, do not brush divide evenly with cotton autograph, because the characteristic of summerly makeup does not want namely this year downy, as long as " grab an eye ".

剑圣如期赴夏侯山庄迎战,夏侯少庄主出迎,乃剑圣认识之女子夏侯胜男。Sword emperor goes to summerly Hou mountain villa to meet head-on as scheduled, go out to meet of summerly Hou little suzerain, the woman summer Hou Shengnan that emperor you a sword knows.