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最近巴尔多已经有一两次这样称呼蒂托了。Tito in this way once or twice of late.

在铁托的指挥下,这些游击队员从德军手中夺取了武器。The partisans under tito wrested weapons from german hands.

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海边满凉的,微风徐来,天色已暗,但第托大步向前。The beach is chilly, breezy and dark, but Tito strides ahead.

最近巴尔多已经有一两次这样称呼蒂托了。Bardo had already addressed Tito in this way once or twice of late.

年方15,第托表现出所有标准「低能力」自闭症的徵状。At 15, Tito displays all the signs of classic "low-functioning" autism.

蒂托说这项任务将扩展人类的知识和体验。Tito said the mission was needed to advance human knowledge and experience.

李鹏首先热烈祝贺斯托第二次访华获得成功。Li first warmly congratulated Tito on the success of his second visit to China.

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她感觉有必要向蒂托吐露自己的心事了,这促使他压下了涌上心头的苦恼。The need she felt to disburden her mind to Tito urged her to repress the rising anguish.

她感觉到了要把心事向蒂托吐露的必要促使她压下了涌上心头的苦恼。The need she felt to disburden her mind to tito urged her to repress the rising anguish.

提托团长耐力惊人,我用尽全力亦不能令他口出一言,真是佩服。Tito of endurance staggering, I can not fully exhausted his mouth out a statement, really admire.

1974年,提托批准了科索沃自治,允许其成立自治政府并管理区内的学校。In 1974, Tito had given Kosovo autonomy, allowing it self-government and control over its schools.

终于,第托穿好衣服从浴室出来,弯身靠在娑玛娇小的身躯上,好让母亲帮他梳理一头浓密的黑发。Finally Tito emerges, dressed, to bend over Soma's tiny frame so she can comb his thick black hair.

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蒂托成为世界上进入航天舱,乘坐宇宙飞船遨游太空的第一人。Tito has become the first tourist in the world who enters the capsule and takes a tour in spaceship.

李鹏向客人介绍了中国改革开放、经济发展以及全国人大的有关情况。Li briefed Tito on China's reform and opening-up drive, its economic development, as well as the NPC.

蒂托成为世界上第一位进入航空舱、乘坐宇宙飞船遨游太空的人。Tito has become the first tourist in the world who entered the capsule and took a tour in a spaceship.

蒂托说他正在寻找一名中年男子和一名中年女子来完成任务,这项旅程将需至少500天。Mr. Tito said he was looking for a middle-aged man and woman for the journey that would last about 500 days.

蒂托称,迈克尔的舞蹈动作是从他躲避父亲拳头的步伐中进化而来的。Tito claimed Michael's dance routines evolved from the fancy footwork he employed dodging his father's fists.

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罗摩拉斯的深刻而宁静的幸福包围着蒂托,犹如黄昏那无尽而安详的阳光,能够消除一切的不安。Romolas deep calm happiness encompassed Tito like the rich but quiet evening light which dissipates all unrest.

罗摩拉斯的深刻而宁静的幸福包围着蒂托,犹如黄昏那无尽而安详的阳光,能够消除一切不安。Romolas's deep calm happiness encompassed Tito like the rich but quiet evening light which dissipates all unrest.

第托曾写过,所有这些干扰的讯息,导致了「由分离感官所接收的不完整世界」。All the interfering signals lead to "a fragmented world perceived through isolated sense organs, " Tito has written.