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一般,起诉人不会由于扣留无罪证据而受到起诉。Currently, prosecutorscannot be prosecuted for withholding exculpatory evidence.

这样的历史教科书歪曲历史开脱罪责理应受到严厉谴责。This history textbooks distorting history exculpatory deserves severe condemnation.

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英特尔公司在本周一表示,欧盟委员会“没有考虑到更广泛的对其有利的证据”。The company said on Monday that the Commission had "dismissed or ignored extensive exculpatory evidence."

任何恐怖主义行为,不论发生在何时何地,由谁实施,出于何种动机,都是犯罪行为,无法开脱罪责。Any acts of terrorism, regardless of place when and where, by whom, for whatever motives, are criminal acts, not exculpatory.

誓言,也在司法管理中扮演一个相当重要的角色,可以有约束力,是公开的,又或者是申明自己无罪的。Oaths, which played a considerable role also in the administration of justice, could be either promissory, declaratory, or exculpatory.

Nick对她说,是压力影响到了他们,尽管他们在这小屋内是安全的,还是不能找到证明Lincoln无罪的证据。Nick tells her that the pressure is getting to them and while they’re safe in the cabin, they won’t find any exculpatory evidence there.

但是,这不应当妨碍接收缔约国在其诉讼中披露可以证明被控告人无罪的资料。However, this shall not prevent the receiving State Party from disclosing in its proceedings information that is exculpatory to an accused person.

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刑事法庭对待“申明无罪的神经错乱”的裁决十分审慎小心,要求无行为能力非常严重,被告甚至不知道犯罪是错误的。Criminal courts are stingy about finding such exculpatory madness, requiring a disability so severe, the defendant didn't even know the crime was wrong.

例如及时获得律师援助和无罪证据获得后即时释放,这些权利都在1996年修改过的刑事诉讼法上有迹可寻,而事实上常常得不到,或者干脆被忽视。Rights guaranteed by the landmark Criminal Procedure Law of 1996, such as timely access to counsel and exculpatory evidence, are often denied or simply ignored.

在国际工程承包中,索赔权的论证是承包商进行索赔的第一步,而合同中业主加入的开脱性条款往往给索赔权的论证带来困难。The argumentation of the right of claim is the first step in the process of claiming. Yet it is often made difficult by the exculpatory clauses of the contract made by the employer.

笔者认为,应区分不同的户外运动类型,不能一概的以合同法的免责条款来否定“风险自负”的效力。The article shows that it is necessary to distinguish the different sport types, and not to deny all the legal effect of "assumption of risk" by using the exculpatory clauses in contract law.

一个神经科学家,也是科学杂志的编辑,说它很可能是“一些辩解条件的领域的扩展”,将作为神经系统科学进步的一个结果。Donald Kennedy, a neuroscientist who is also editor of Science, says it is likely that "some extension of the domain of exculpatory conditions" will be made as a result of neuroscientific advances.

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即使在检察官藏匿开罪证据并让人蒙冤入狱的情况下,公民也无力迫使检察机关承担其未能培养合格律师的负责。It tore down the ability of citizens to hold prosecutors' offices accountable for failing to train their lawyers, even when prosecutors hide exculpatory evidence and send innocent people to prison.