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占星符号是依照罗马儒略历来计算的。Astrological signs calculated according to the Julian calendar.

占星预测的问题并不在于它们是错误的。So, the problem with astrological predictions is not that they're wrong.

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事实上,这个日期是天文学,占星术和星相学。The dates are, in fact, astronomical, astrological and astrotheological.

在发现了这两颗行星之后,占星家们开始把它们引入占卜中去。Following their discovery they found their way into astrological predictions.

有些人特别关注或相信星座的意义。Some people have a special interest or belief in their astrological information.

她是土向星座的,我是水向星座的,在一起就和泥了。Her astrological sign is the one for earth. Mine is the one for water. Together we made mud.

在这种情况下,占星师必须将他们的信仰和占星解读区分开。In such cases, astrologers clearly separate their views from their astrological interpretations.

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在中国文化中,六十岁的生日是件大事,完成了一个甲子的轮回。Sixtieth birthdays are big ones in Chinese Culture—the culmination of a complete astrological cycle.

今天上午你的主星水星会刑你的财帛宫冥王。Your ruling planet Mercury will encounter transforming Pluto this morning from your astrological money sector.

哦,这方面有超大量的信息要陈述,但我只讲占星学的部分。Oh, there's a great deal of information that is delivered this way, but I'll just give you the astrological one.

心灵的多才多艺,天资聪颖及科学倾向,是星相学家摩丘锐斯的特性。Versatility of mind as well as the inventive gift and scientific leanings are attributes of the astrological Mercurius.

尽管情人们声称这是最完美的化学反应了,但仍有一部分其他人更相信占星术配对法。While lovers claim it to be the perfect chemistry, there are others who believe in the astrological signs compatibility.

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因此,你出生的日期和时间应该能够让占星师或预言家从中读出你的未来。So it's the date and time when you're born that is supposed to tell those astrological soothsayers what your future holds.

因此,你出生的日期和时间应该能够让占星师或预言家解读出你的未来。So it’s the date and time when you’re born that is supposed to tell those astrological soothsayers what your future holds.

当上升点与莉莉丝构成相位时,将会为整个星盘带来深刻的影响。The Ascendant being aspected to the Black Moon is a factor of depth, and as such it influences the whole astrological chart.

幸运的是,你顺利地挺过摧毁力最大的星象风暴的袭击,现在是你享受过去付出成果的时刻了。The best part is that you've weathered the worst of the astrological storms &can now enjoy more of the fruits of past labors.

关键是,你已经度过了星运的风暴期,现在可以享受过去努力的成果了。The best part is that you've weathered the worst of the astrological storms & can now enjoy more of the fruits of past labors.

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他们忘了提到,是占星学的推理能力,使我们观察到人脑是天庭的小宇宙。They forget to mention the astrological reasoning that led to the observation that the human head is the heavens in microcosm.

在教学或写作中,占星师必须尽可能准确客观的提供占星学知识。When engaged in teaching or writing, astrologers present astrological information accurately and with appropriate objectivity.

人么越来越谨慎,不仅仅是风水,他们还喜欢参考星象和历法。People are so cautious, they’re consulting not just feng shui but also the astrological calendar and the numerological calendar.