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比如说"市民"或称之为"布尔乔亚"Even take the word burgher or bourgeois.

这是美国公民所能获得的最高荣誉。It's the tiptop honor that USA burgher can gain.

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欧洲殖民者的后代大多是罗马天主教或者长老会教徒。The Burgher population is mostly Roman Catholic or Presbyterian.

有些学子竟这样对一个市民出言不逊!Out upon these graceless scholars who dare to address a burgher in such a manner!

2002年成为当年的“总统自由勋章”的获得者,这是美国公民所能获得的最高荣誉。Won the "president freedom honor" in 2002, it's the tiptop honor that USA burgher can gain.

集市广场的两侧是色彩鲜艳的尖顶民居,这里应该是老城区的中心地带了。The market square, flanked by the colourful gables of burgher houses, is probably the definitive site of the area.

勃格霍尔意为市民,该部队成员均来自条顿社会中上阶层,训练有素,在北欧民兵部队中堪称翘楚。Comprised of middle and upper class Dutch citizens, Burgher Pikemen are amongst the better trained militias of Northern Europe.

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城市市民阶级的经济独立与自由解放,初步孕育塑造了近代民族国家的公民权利个体。More specifically, the economic independence and personal freedom of the burgher class helped to shape the citizenry of the modern nation state.

在马克思看来,市民社会具有经济基础的同等含义,不存在一般意义上的、始终奉行个人主义的市民社会。Karl Marx endowed burgher society with economical basis, and there is no burgher society which always pursues individualism in a more general sense.

究其原因,主要是与商品经济的繁荣和工商业的发展、市民阶级的兴起密切相关。When we ask for the answer why they did that way, it's mainly related to the prosperity of merchandise economy and the flourishing of burgher class.

布尔乔亚"意指住在城市里的居民,在他们看来依法纳税,是地方决策者强加于他们的A bourgeois or a burgher was somebody who lived in a city and assumed that some of the justice that was levied against him or her would be the result of decisions taken locally.

西欧城市市民社会同封建政治国家的分立,从社会结构与力量的意义上为近代西欧民族国家的确立和发展,提供了必要的社会物质条件和组织基础。This divergence between the urban burgher society and the feudal state has prepared the social and material conditions and institutional basis necessary for the modern nation state.