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递送货物税款未付。DDU Delivered Duty unpaid.

警察给那辆不缴罚款的汽车扣上车轮锁。Police booted the car with unpaid fines.

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这些数字不包括无酬家庭从业员。The figures exclude unpaid family workers.

只剩三笔交易的佣金未付。There are three items of commission left unpaid.

有效地扼制了欠税的增长势头。The upturn of arrears and tax unpaid was well curbed.

他因为未缴纳退税款而被罚款2,000美元。He has been fined 2,000 dollars for unpaid back taxes.

利息就可以在未付的余额上来算。Interest is continually charged on the unpaid balance.

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大多数人开始于不计酬的工作,因为他们可以学习。Most people start with an unpaid job, so they can learn.

职业妈妈每周平均无偿加班5.7个小时。On average, working mothers out in 5.7 extra hours unpaid.

许多公司让员工停薪留职。Many companies are ordering employees to take unpaid leave.

因我未付税,税务局想扣押我的房子。The Tax Office wanted to levy on my house FOR unpaid taxes.

第四.简历中包括所有的相关经历,即使是未收薪酬的工作。No.4 Include all relevant experiences even if it was unpaid.

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我需要去旅行,做志愿者或者去做无薪实习生。I needed to travel or volunteer or take an unpaid internship.

我们能满足于不及格的成绩表或尚未清付的账单吗?Can we be satisfied with a failing report card or unpaid bills?

那时我是一个负债累累的失业青年。In that case I'd be an unemployed 25 year-old with unpaid debt.

“我曾经就是一个无薪的实习生,我觉得这没什么,”他说到。“I was an unpaid intern and I had no problem with it, ” he said.

有接受无薪假期的心理准备,无论如何这是在专业中盛行的趋势。Expect to take unpaid leave—this is a profession-wide trend anyway.

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我想请三天无薪事假,因为我老婆要生啦!I' m asking for a three -day unpaid personal leave for wife's labor.

他正在一家工程公司无偿工作一个月以获得工作经验。He’s doing a month’s unpaid work experience with an engineering firm.

不管你信不信,有些零薪酬工作的竞争居然也非常激烈。Believe it or not, the competition for some unpaid gigs can grow intense.