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奥林匹克争先赛是一种团体赛。Olympic sprint is a team race.

罗布·哈梅林在波尔多获得短跑冠军。Rob Harmeling won the sprint in Bordeaux.

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她在最后两圈时开始冲刺了。She began to sprint on the last two laps.

这么做的目的就是要绕过斯普林特公司。The aim is to cut Sprint out of the loop.

一个选项就是将其拖拉到新的迭代上。One option is to drag it to the new sprint.

停下来,呼吸几秒,然后再冲刺。Stop, breathe for a sec, then sprint again.

不要把耐力赛当作冲刺来对待。Don't treat an endurance race like a sprint.

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跑步者用足力气做最后冲刺。The runners were rallying for a final sprint.

任务的列表就成了所谓的代办冲刺。This list of tasks becomes the Sprint Backlog.

运动员在到达终点前进行冲刺。The athlete put on a sprint of speed to make it.

这名赛跑者似乎在振作精神作最后的冲刺。The runner seemed to be rallied for a final sprint.

赛跑者似乎在振作精神作最后冲刺。The runner seemed to be rallying for a final sprint.

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起跑器运用于追逐赛和竞速赛中。Staring block is only used in pursuit and team sprint.

这个开发人员在整个sprint中都可以被人打搅。This developer would be disturbed for an entire sprint.

考前两个月就是冲刺。养兵千日,用兵一时。Two months before the sprint is. Idea that day, one day.

修复了疾跑铭文的一个说明错误。A tooltip error in the Glyph of Sprint has been corrected.

产品所有者和团队会就冲刺阶段的目标达成一致意见。The product owner and team agree on a goal for the sprint.

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考前一个月就是冲刺。养兵千日,用兵一时。Before a month is the sprint. Find one thousand days, fight.

我跑出候车室,往家的方向冲刺。I ran out of the waiting room, to the home direction sprint.

我有很多时间,期待明年六月我的第二次急速短跑全能三项。I had a great time, and look forward to my next sprint tri in June.