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艾德琳是我的一位朋友。Adeline is a friend of mine.

那么,我想让艾德琳对你讲一讲Then I should like Adeline to tell you

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好的,我女儿叫艾德琳。Yes, my daughter, her name is Adeline.

翻译为我要加油,阿德琳一定不…I have to refuel, Adeline must not fall.

严君玲在中国天津出生。Adeline Yen Mah was born in Tianjin, China.

就拿艾德琳付的情况来说。她在一家银行的会计部门工作。Take Adeline Foo's case, for example. She works in the accounts department of a bank.

艾德林埃拉瑞芝18时结婚并生子,所以没有完成大学学业。Adeline Alvarez married at 18 and gave birth to a son, but wad determined to finish college.

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艾德琳?艾华里斯18岁结婚并生有一子,但她决心要读完大学。Adeline Alvarez married at 18 and gave birth to a son, but was determined to finish college.

阿得零·阿娃子18岁嫁人现在有了一个孩子,但她却决定重返学校完成学业。Adeline Alvarez married at 18 and gave birth to a son, but was determined to finish college.

她的母亲在她出身后两星期死了,她被认为克母并会给家族带来厄运。Her mother died two weeks after her birth and Adeline was considered to be a source of bad luck by her family.

我的信心再受重创——朋友阿德琳告诉我,法国的孩子虽然常犯语法错误,但是对待词语阴阳性数却从不含糊。My confidence hit a new low when my friend Adeline told me that French children often make mistakes, but never with the sex of their nouns.

很快,我和希拉里就开着车上路了,我们去了加利福尼亚的伯克利,那里距离她在奥克兰工作的地点很近。Soon we drove on to Berkeley, California, near her job in Oakland, where she would be staying in a small house owned by her mother's half sister, Adeline.

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在这个尖锐的回忆录纽约时报的落叶,严君玲畅销书作者,提供的历史和对中国文化的灵魂,一个迷人的窗口。In this poignant memoir the New York Times bestselling author of Falling Leaves, Adeline Yen Mah, provides a fascinating window into the history and cultural soul of China.