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使用后均未出现中毒现象。No toxicosis happened among the animals.

因此,血清CHE是有机磷中毒的标志性酶类。It came to a conclution that serum CHE was a sign of organophosphorus toxicosis.

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加强管理及教育可以避免中毒的发生。Education and supervision should be strengthened to avoid the occurrence of toxicosis.

目的总结纳洛酮治疗急性乙醇中毒的疗效和经验。Objective To observe the effectiveness of naloxone treatment for acute alcohol toxicosis.

目的探讨血液透析对抢救急性药物中毒所致的急性肾衰的有效性。Objective To study the validity to treat acute renal failure caused by druggery toxicosis.

方法对酒精中毒患者的临床资料进行统计分析。Methods Clinical data were statistically analyzed for a group of cases with alcohol toxicosis.

呼吸循环衰竭、中毒反跳、肺部感染为主要死亡原因。Respiration-circulation failure, rebound of toxicosis and lung infection were the main causes of death.

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利他林、毒扁豆碱治疗精神药物急性中毒临床对比观察。A comparison between methylphenidate and physostigmine in the salvage of acute antipsychotics toxicosis.

因此,不难看出血清CHE是有机磷中毒的标志性酶类。So it was the conclusion that serum CHE can be used as the important sign of organophosphorus toxicosis.

方法对10例有机磷农药中毒迟发神经病变患者进行回顾性分析。Methods Review and analyze the 10 cases of delayed neuropathy caused by organic phosphorus pesticide toxicosis.

目的探讨有机磷中毒致呼吸肌麻痹的救治及护理。Objective Study cure and nursing experience of organic phosphor toxicosis result in breathing muscle paralysis.

本案例为氢氟酸烧伤并气体吸入性损伤,为严重氟中毒。This paper reports a case of hydrofluoric acid burn complicated by inhalation injury and serious fluorine toxicosis.

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目的研究大型综合性医院急性中毒患者的流行病学特点。Objective To study the epidemiological characteristics of the acute toxicosis cases in a general hospital of a metropolis.

目的探讨口服有机磷中毒昏迷患者的胃管插入方法。Objective To discuss the modus of inserting the gastric canal in comatose patients with organophosphorus pesticide toxicosis.

结果磷霉素对顺铂在未产生蓄积中毒时所致的肾功能改变有保护作用。RESULT Phosphonomycin plays a protective role on the changes of renal functions caused by cisplatin before its accumulative toxicosis occurs.

目的了解云南省鼠药中毒现状,总结经验教训,为加强卫生监督减少中毒事件提供依据。To learn the situation of rodenticide toxicosis in Yunnan, and to provide basis for strengthening supervision and reducing toxicosis incidents.

当天然气作为化工原料时,它们还会导致催化剂中毒,影响产品质量。When the natural gas is as raw materials in chemical industry, they are able to lead to the catalysator toxicosis and product quality receding.

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方法对纳洛酮治疗的262例急性乙醇中毒患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,并以184例常规方法治疗的病例作对照。Methods The effectiveness of naloxone treatment for 262 cases of acute alcohol toxicosis were compared with the effectiveness of routine treatment for 184 cases of the same toxicosis.