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六十七种鸟类已被联邦政府列入濒危鸟类的范围。Sixty-seven species are federally listed as endangered or threatened.

安大略甚至获准建立自己的联邦基金经济发展机构。It has even been granted its own federally funded economic development agency.

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结果,这500只联邦所有权的大猩猩中,绝大多数是在仓库中闲逛。As a result, most of the 500 federally owned chimpanzees are idling in warehouses.

公司可以在联邦政府授权的排放量上限内购买和销售配额。The firms could then buy and sell permits under federally mandated emissions caps.

我做过美国联邦政府委托的一个健康保险公司的项目。I worked on a federally mandated project in the USA for a health insurance company.

相关官员表示,目前有9家经联邦政府批准的移动屠宰装臵。Right now, officials say nine groups are operating federally approved mobile units.

红狼在联邦的29个州已经是濒临灭绝的物种。The red wolf has federally endangered status throughout its 29-state historic range.

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今天,有三十一种鸟类已被列为濒危鸟类。Today, thirty-one Hawaiian species are federally listed as endangered or threatened.

联邦政府没有资助的特别项目,或许在市一级的项目中能得到资助。For specialties not federally funded, grants may be offered at the metropolitan level.

昆德拉认为,联邦政府将采用诸如云计算这样的现有技术和方式。Kun Dela thinks, will use such as cloud to calculate such having federally technology and means.

他们还将建立第二个融资项目,一个由联邦政府运行的,需要长期呵护的保险计划。They also create a second new entitlement program, a federally run, long-term-care insurance plan.

两千九百万大部分来自低收入家庭的儿童,享受联邦政府此次出资的午餐。Twenty-nine million children, most from low-incoming families, eat federally funded lunch in school.

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过时的分业经营曾使我们无法为客户提供联邦保险银行帐户。Outdated barriers had always prevented us from offering our clients a federally insured bank account.

在路易斯安那州和米密西西比有大约3300万人仍然居住在联邦提供的临时活动房里。About 3300 people remain in federally supplied trailers and mobile homes in Louisiana and Mississippi.

ERRC是美国唯一一家由联邦资助和运营的食品辐射研究机构。ERRC is the only federally funded and operated food irradiation research facility in the United States.

到2025年,美国汽车必须符合联邦法律规定的每加仑燃油行驶54.5英里的燃油经济性标准。American automobiles must meet a federally mandated fuel-efficiency standard of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025.

唑吡坦是一个联邦政府控制的药品,因为它会被滥用或导致的依赖,声明指出。Zolpidem is a federally controlled substance because it can be abused or lead to dependence, the statement notes.

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这看似矛盾的事实源于对联邦政府支持的解决洪水的结构解决方案的过分依赖。This seeming contradiction arises from overdependence on federally supported structural solutions to flood problems.

但是他现在计划让一些房屋拥有者用联邦保证借款归还他们的次级贷款。But he now proposes to let some homeowners replace their subprime mortgages with federally garroted guaranteed loans.

它又招揽了三个联邦政府资助的专精于国防的研究与发展中心项目。The organization touts three federally funded research and development centers that concentrate on national security.