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喜欢炫耀的人通常都没有自信。Show-offs are usually insecure.

他住在一座危楼中。He lived in an insecure building.

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他走进那座危楼。He went into the insecure building.

老百姓感觉既不安全也没有自由。People feel both insecure and unfree.

他走进那所危楼。He walked into that insecure building.

这样会使得凤头鹦鹉感到不安全。This makes the cockatoo feel insecure.

我感叹,生命是如此地没有保证。I'm plaint that the being is so insecure.

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但你的母亲觉得很不自信。And your mother is feeling really insecure.

我们完全对我们的生意没把握。We're absolutely insecure about our business.

但是即使那样也使感觉不安全的巴基斯坦人心惊肉跳。But even that makes insecure Pakistanis jumpy.

工人被逼接受收入低、安全性差的工作。Workers are forced into low-paid, insecure jobs.

在小聚会上,她觉得特别没有安全感。She felt especially insecure in small gatherings.

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最大的伪装者是最不安全的内在。The biggest pretenders are the most insecure inside.

语法和拼写总让我紧张不安。I always felt insecure about my grammar and spelling.

但霸道者通常心虚,俄国也不例外。Bullies are usually insecure and Russia is no exception.

属羊者缺乏安全感,需要别人爱护和保护。Goats are insecure. They need to feel loved and protected.

他们用更多的努力认清自己,很多时候,他们最没有把握的方面恰恰也是他们最杰出的地方。Often the most insecure of them were also the most brilliant.

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我想可能是当我缺乏安全感的时候,我白己拿我们俩做比较吧。I think it is myself who makes the comparisons, when I feel insecure.

本周神情沮丧,更让你感到孤独和不安全。You may find that depression is causing you to feel lonely and insecure.

他说,财富可以成为一种成瘾性毒品,是缺乏安全感的人最需要的。He says wealth can become an addictive drug, needed most by the insecure.