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裘德洛与杰克布莱克饰演两位男主角。Jude Law and Jack Black co-star.

举下手,让裘德拍一下Raise your hands. Let Jude see it.

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尤其是像裘德洛那样长得好看的。Especially hot guys look like Jude Law.

裘德确实带来了一张5美元的钞票So Jude has trustworthily brought back the five dollars.

另外,裘德洛也对太阳报采取法律行动。In addition, Jude Law also take legal action against The Sun.

像裘德?洛那样差不多收拾一下就足够了。A quick tidy-up in the style of Jude Law is all that's needed.

请举手,让裘德可以拍到你Raise your hands, let's raise your hands so Jude can see them.

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我尝试著的模仿他,但我是在没有裘德洛那种风格。I tried to follow him, but it didn't look like Jude Law's style.

有一首悲伤的歌,你可以把它唱得更好,或者是令它不再悲伤。Hey, Jude. Don't make it bad. Take a sad song, and make it better.

白天逗我犹似可,黑哒逗我有人说。Daytime tease me Jude seems to be dalai tease me someone, black said.

摄影师,裘德,我们知道他下周还来The camera guy. Okay Jude. We know Jude's going to be there next week.

算了,就给裘德吧,他下周肯定来Well never mind, we will give it to Jude. We know Jude's going to be here.

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早在一世纪,犹大书就论述这事,现代仍有人传假福音。Jude wrote of it in the first century, some preach such a false gospel today.

同时,巨星裘德洛、格温妮丝·帕特洛、麦当娜和阿尔·帕西诺也在名单之列。Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna and Al Pacino are among the stars expected.

裘德所处的社会是新旧事物相混杂的转型时期的社会。The society which Jude was in is a transferring society from the old to the new.

忘了他的水性杨花吧,裘德。洛天生就有点象个小无赖。Forget his nanny-shagging ways, Jude Law has always been a bit ofa hot scoundrel.

先不要放下手,让裘德拍一下,这样看视频的人也能看到Leave your hands up so that Jude can catch that, so people can see at home, okay.

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特别是当裘德洛的角色在女孩睡着的时候亲吻她的那部分最让我疑惑。The part confused me the most is when Jude Law kissed the girl when she is asleep.

裘德·洛获最佳男演员奖,艾米·沃恩豪斯则获最佳英国音乐表演奖。The best actor award went to Jude Law and Amy Winehouse won best British music act.

所以我们也回头看看,我走下讲台以方便裘德拍摄So let's try and get some kind of I'll come off the stage to make it easier for Jude.