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他的名字叫甘英。His name was Gan Ying.

甘翁膝下二子。Old man Gan had two sons.

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蒋干如何睡得着?How could Jiang Gan sleep?

赣南盛产粮食。South Gan teemed with grain.

赣江风雪迷漫处。To the snow-swept River Gan.

我从小就是个铁秆火车迷。I am an iron Gan since the childhood train fan.

上半年来六甘一,下半年是八甘三。Gan a half to six, eight Gamsam the second half.

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其中两个是在四大商业氮化镓的公司。Two of them are in the top four commercial GaN companies.

甘爱东医师为小病人仔细配置FDA批准的CRT-矫正近视隐形眼镜。Dr. Gan is fitting her patient with FDA-approved CRT lens.

洞口县境内存在赣方言和湘方言两大方言。There are Gan Dialect and Xiang Dialect in Dongkou County.

王德水感谢甘霖的会见。Wang Deshui extended his gratitude to Gan for her meeting.

作家埃里希奥利和甘戈兰高地建立的漫画书。Writers Erich Origen and Gan Golan created the comic book.

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滃嘈杂而糜溃,信净美烟台信息港而甘分。Wengjiang noisy and Mi collapse, net and Gan branch letter.

孝感市孝南区交通大队地址???。Xiao Gan City Xiao Nan District traffic agency address? ? ?

主人公弗雷斯。甘是个智商只要75地弱智儿童。Hero Fleiss. Gan is a IQ of 75 mentally handicapped children.

甘律师的工作语言是英语、日语、普通话和粤语。Attorney Gan speaks fluent English, Japanese, Cantonese and Mandarine.

阿杜甘是在环礁岛国马尔代夫最大的岛屿。Gan is the largest island in Addu atoll in the island nation of Maldives.

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在奔跑了许久之后,甘停了下来,开始回自己的故乡。After a long time at running, Gan stopped and started back to her hometown.

阐述了在氮化镓生长中使用的蓝宝石晶片净化的重要性。The significance of sapphire wafer cleaning in growing of GaN is explained.

甘辉从他的椅子上站了起来,走到帐篷的入口处“看看那里!”Gan Hu stood up out of his chair, and walked over to the entrance to the tent.