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变形的选择。Anamorphic options.

提出用全息元件实现变形分数傅里叶变换。Implementation of anamorphic FRT using HOE is presented.

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变型产品开发能有效满足这一需要。The development of anamorphic products could meet the need effectively.

没有变形拉伸模式,遥控器没有背光按键。There is no anamorphic stretch mode, and the remote has no backlighting.

毫无变形拉伸模式,远程没有背光。There is no anamorphic stretch mode, and the remote has no backlighting.

双高解析度编码器测量试样变形。Double high definition coder can test the sample to be anamorphic or not.

我们的目标是让您享受超宽屏格式没有一个变形镜头的成本。The objective is to let you enjoy super-widescreen format without the cost of an anamorphic lens.

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专利广角失真镜头生成和控制失真,并提供更大的图像。The patented wide-angle anamorphic lens generates and controls distortion and offers a larger image.

该光盘将提供失真的宽屏和全屏介绍的米歇尔甘德瑞的电影。DVD . The disc will offer anamorphic widescreen and full screen presentations of the Michel Gondry film.

变形被是史上第一个利用已有百年历史的柱面变形理论的杯子。The Anamorphic Cup is the first product to employ the centuries old visual play of the anamorphic cylinder.

但利用反投影法重建的图像质量差,有星状伪迹,存在模糊失真。But, it get the ropy image Back projection algorithm, it has astroid false mark and exist fuzzy and anamorphic.

提出变形分数傅里叶变换双随机相位编码技术。The paper presents encrpytion techniques of double random phase based on anamorphic fractional Fourier transform.

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在变形的实施例中可在拍板上变换孔的位置或多设孔。The positions of the holes can be converted or more holes are arranged on a racket board in an anamorphic embodiment.

倾斜的视角,截取片断似的场景,富于变化的平面空间,变形的形象都是他画面中的常用符号。Gradient visual angle, segment scene, variational planar space and anamorphic figure made up of his painting language.

变形棱镜组可用来扩散一个方向的光束,可将激光二极管发出的椭圆光进行圆整。Anamorphic prism pairs are designed to expand a beam in only one dimension, circularizing the elliptical output from a diode.

提出一种利用变形分数傅里叶变换和双随机相位编码对图像加密的方法。A new optical image encryption method using anamorphic fractional Fourier transform and double random phase encoding is proposed.

本课题是构造物理模拟实验系统的一个重要组成部分,主要用于地质实验体顶面变形程度和过程的定量测量。This thesis is one of the important parts of geologic structure modeling experiment, and is aimed to get the accurate outline of the anamorphic object.

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对企业会计报表信息失真的现象进行了分类,分析了会计报袁信息失真成因,并提出了一些查账的技巧。This paper classifies the anamorphic phenomena of accounting report in enterprises, analyzes the causes of these phenomena and suggests some skills of auditing.

无需任何预先参数,利用畸变曲线拟合逼近过中心的近似直线,通过两直线的交点求得图像对称中心。An approximate line passing through the center is approached by anamorphic curves. Intersection of two different approximate lines is regarded as the image center.

示例展示了泛光和镜头眩光图像特效如何通过全新的屏幕混合模式产生柔和的辉光效果。新的变形镜头眩光样式烘托出了影院般的意境。Example showing how Bloom and Lens Flares can give a soft glow using the new Screen blend mode. The new anamorphic lens flare type helps evoke a cinematic feeling.