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我这里所指的,都是指逻辑上的可能性All we mean here is logically possible.

上下句意要合乎逻辑。Move logically from one idea to the next.

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方括号将元素在逻辑上分组。The square brackets group the element logically.

或许是出于恨铁不成钢的原因,球迷们在球队的名字上做到了简短。Logically fans shortened the clubs name to Rovers.

可以推测,独角兽在逻辑上是可能的It seems to follow that unicorns are logically possible.

在某些应用程序中,它也在逻辑上把两个对象连接在一起。In some applications, it also links the objects logically.

高低句意要合乎逻辑。别毫无章法乱跳。Move logically from one idea to the next. Don't skip steps.

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屋顶顺利成章地成为现有的绿色山丘的一部分。The roof logically became a part of the existing green mound.

如何有条理地将它们组织为独立的标签和页面?How do you organize them logically as separate tabs and pages?

有些模式逻辑上是等价的,但是用途却不同。Some modes are logically equivalent but differ in their purpose.

逻辑上看起来是安全的,因为我知道在那里我做了什么。Logically looks like I'm safe because I know what I'm doing here.

在任何情况下,音、义在逻辑上都没有关系。Under no circumstance can sound and meaning be logically related.

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有些人喜欢有力的数据,条理清晰地写在纸上。"Some like hard data, logically arranged in writing, " says Colby.

第四,它的论点无法在逻辑上支持其结论。Fourth, it argues intangibles that don't logically support its premise.

归纳论证能在逻辑上和经验上被证明是正确的吗?。Can inductive demonstration be proved correct logically and experientially?

我也不觉得如此逻辑分明的生活能有多快乐,或者令人满意。And I do not see how this logically divided life can be happy and fulfilling.

任何看不惯中国人吃狗肉的人必须在逻辑上接受猪可以被作为宠物养这一观点。Anyone who doesn’t want China to eat dog must logically embrace pigs as pets.

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第四,说基督的死,为大家在逻辑上导致了普遍性。Fourth, to say that Christ died for everyone logically leads to universalism.

他徘徊着,想清楚地想一想。但是他已经想不清楚了。He lingered, trying to think logically. This was no longer possible with him.

列宁的马克思主义观就是在这四个时期逻辑地发展和升华的。Lenin's view on Marxism develops and distills logically in these four periods.