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在美国他没有亲属。He has no kinsfolk in America.

她的亲戚应该来看看她。Her kinsfolk should come to her.

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他们可以是朋友、亲人、玩伴…They can be friend and kinsfolk , play companion.

亲属称谓是亲属制度在语言中的反应。Kinsfolk appellation is the kinfolks system reflection in language.

亲属称谓词是亲属制度在语言中的反映。Kinsfolk appellation is the kinsfolk system reflection in language.

我的亲戚与我断绝。我的密友都忘记我。My kinsfolk have failed, and my familiar friends have forgotten me.

高地贵族剑士为苏格兰高地或岛屿上部落首领及亲族组成。These are the clan leaders and their kinsfolk from the highlands and isles of Scotland.

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这些分析是在我们调查的语言材料的基础上进行的,也是前人没有做过的。We also compare the numeral and kinsfolk words between Mang and more than ten other neighboring languages.

财产继承往往是家庭继承关系中最实质问题,它关涉到每个家庭成员的切身利益。The inheritance of property is the most substantive issue in the family relationship. It concerns interests of each kinsfolk.

宗加、巴隆是海西蒙古族藏族自治州都兰县的两个相毗邻的蒙古族聚居乡,但在亲属名称上有很大的差异。Neighboured townships, Tsongka and Balong in Dulan County Qinghai Province, live Mongolian people, but kinsfolk appellations there are much different.

第三个问题中,笔者主要是探讨了国家工作人员与其家属在共同受贿犯罪中的性质认定和行为类型。In the third question, the author discusses the character and behavior type in bribery joint crime between government staff members and their kinsfolk.

新释出了彰愍、敦睦、延庆等宫名,并诠释了墓主人的履历及亲属关系。The palace names Zhangmin, Dunmu and Yanging are explained first time. Yelunu's antecedents and kinsfolk relationships are also explained in the paper.

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后来又传来了埃伦本人婚姻不幸终结的消息,她自己也要回家,到亲属中求得安息与忘却。Then came the news that Ellen's own marriage had ended in disaster, and that she was herself returning home to seek rest and oblivion among her kinsfolk.

本文论述了妇女人类学的基本立场和视角,以及它对人类学的亲属制度研究领域所造成的冲击。This paper discusses the basic stand and visual angle of the feminist anthropology and its impact on the research of the anthropological kinsfolk system.

作者认为女性人类学的性别与实践的视角已经并将增进我们对汉人亲属制度研究和对中国妇女生活的理解。This paper discusses the basic stand and visual angle of the feminist anthropology and its impact on the research of the anthropological kinsfolk system.

而使该事件在血亲复仇故事重居于独特地位和价值的,则是他以死阻止检验父尸。The especial position and value in the kinsfolk revenge stories is that Wang Shiming prevents somebody from doing body-check to his dead father by way of killing himself.

借词是语言接触的必然结果,蒙古语亲属称谓词中的汉语借词反映了蒙、汉两个民族在婚姻家庭层面上的影响特点。Loanword is the inevitable result of language contact. Mongolian Kinsfolk appellation words of Chinese loanword reflect the characteristics of marriage influence between Mongolian and Han.