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再说回欺负新人。Go back to hazing.

容易切割、钻孔、弯曲且变位不会变白。Can be drilled, cut, curved without cracking or hazing.

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实际上,捉弄他人是违法的,但它却是非常有效的一种手段。But actually, hazing is illegal but a remarkably successful tool.

但是实际上,戏弄是非法的但是一个非常成功的工具。But actually, hazing is illegal but a remarkably successful tool.

这是在结婚前发生的一出恶作剧的一部分。It’s part of a hazing ritual that actually happens before the wedding.

无尽的重复和无情的戏弄铸就了精神和肉体的刚毅。Endless repetitions and ruthless hazing build mental and physical stamina.

如果所有人都用杀死一两个人来显示自己多么酷的话,这就成了可怕的事情。It's a hazing thing that we all hae to kill a couple to show off how cool we are.

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盖普,一家衣服零售商,在网上受到近一个星期的百般嘲弄后,在10月份,放弃了新的公司商标。Gap, a clothing retailer, abandoned a new logo in October after a week of concentrated online hazing.

“我听剐人的话听够了,”另一个补充说,“要是再让你牵着鼻子走,约翰·西尔弗,我宁愿被绞死。”I stood hazing long enough from one, ' added another. I'll be hanged if I'll be hazed by you, John Silver. '

罗宾逊-尼尔森说,海鸥产卵季节时,他们要一天两次在恢复区附近一些选定地点驱赶海鸥。Robinson-Nilsen says they're hazing gulls twice a day during nesting season at selected sites near restoration areas.

强度很大的忍耐力测试、难度很高的学术任务以及受高年级学生欺负,这些使我的军校生活异常艰难。Strenuous endurance tests, high-level academic work, and hazing by upperclassmen made a junior cadet's life extremely trying.

在风化完成,使用猛男亚洲生产力组织的60封蜡后,立即猛男强化波兰,以消除任何光线欺侮。On weathered finishes, use Menzerna Sealing Wax APO 60 immediately after Menzerna Intensive Polish to remove any light hazing.

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请让我知道,如果有些孩子一直欺负你,这是不公平的,以你的弟弟,当你有一个坏的情绪给他。Please let me know if some kids have been hazing you, it is not fair to your younger brother when you had a bad emotion to him.

这就往往造成了晶圆厂极大的损失。所以业内迫切需要解决这个问题。Hence, mask hazing has become a more and more urgent problem that should be solved in Sub-deep micro-fabrication of semiconductor.

事实上,根据认识失调来运用欺负新人这个手段得出一个结论,这个理论非常有价值,这就是为什么它会存在。And in fact, hazing through cognitive dissonance draws the inference that this is really, really valuable and this is why it exists.

人们把认知失调应用到各种各样的情况下,例如欺负新人就是应用认知失调的例子。Now, people have manipulated cognitive dissonance in all sorts of ways and, for instance, hazing. Hazing is cognitive dissonance at work.

有些社团对新成员的侮辱性的做法—他们视为是成为成员的一种程序,但有时有危险性。Initiation rituals administered by some fraternities or sororities as part of the pledging process. Many universities have outlawed hazing due to its degrading and sometimes dangerous nature.

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2005年,美国加利福尼亚大学的学生开联谊会。会上,一位年仅21岁的学生因为被同学大量灌水而死亡。In 2005 a fraternity hazing at California State University, Chico , left a 21-year-old man dead after he was forced to drink excessive amounts of water between rounds of push-ups in a cold basement.

降温可能会缓解地球发热的峰值,或者为减排措施发挥人所期待的效果争取时间,但是酸雾只是一种辅助药物,不能替代其他方法。Cooling might take the edge off the peak of a planetary fever, or perhaps buy time as emissions cuts begin to have the desired effects. But hazing is a complementary medicine, not an alternative one.

进入兄弟会或姊妹会的一种仪式。许多大学的这种仪式都是很低级甚至极具危险性的。Hazing – Initiation rituals administered by some fraternities or sororities as part of the pledging process. Many universities have outlawed hazing due to its degrading and sometimes dangerous nature.