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自信是可以转换的。Confidence is transferrable.

逻辑是最终的可转换的技巧。Logic is the ultimate transferrable skill.

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只有所谓的利用权是可以移转的。Only the so-called exploitation rights are transferrable.

保安代表的是一种金融商品利息转移。A security is a type of transferrable interest representing financial value.

结合年龄、教育、语言技巧、管理技能转移。A combination of age, education, language skills and transferrable management skills.

请注意激活码只能在一台手机上使用,不可以传递。Please note that the activation code can be used only on a single phone and is not transferrable.

我相信文化流畅力是全球公民的一种可传递的和必不可少的技能。I am convinced that cultural fluency is a transferrable – and essential – skill for global citizens.

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意识到你已经了解的语言,你可以选择可转换的语言帮助你加快学习。By being aware of the language you already know, you can choose transferrable languages to help you accelerate your learning.

会员积分快车的完全转让,并允许您节日礼物和其他各种利益的亲人。The TVI Express membership is fully transferrable and allows you to gift holidays and various other benefits to your loved ones.

莱恩说,“审视一下自己的可变通能力,包括项目管理、预算、指导他人,以及组织计划等方面的能力。”"Look at your transferrable skills, including project management, budgeting, supervising others, and organizational planning," Ryan says.

莱恩说,“审视一下的可变通能力,包括项目管理、预算、他人,组织计划等的能力。”"Look at your transferrable skills, including project management, budgeting, supervising others, and organizational planning, " Ryan says.

实际上你在学校里面更需要掌握的是一些通用的能力,我们把这种能力叫“核心能力”。In fact, it's more important to grasp some transferrable skills at college, which we call "core skills, " like communicating with people and expressing oneself.

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在适当条件下,青少年体育运动能够帮助孩子们培养通用的社交技巧---公民素质,而他们将终其一生拥有这个技能。D. "Under the right conditions, youth sport can help children develop transferrable personal and social skills — citizenship qualities that they'll retain throughout their lives."