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旅游与节俭的同伴。Travel with frugal companions.

在你的物质生活保持节俭。Be frugal in your material life.

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俭以养德,节约用水。Frugal support germany, to save water.

艰苦奋斗和勤俭节约均是美德。Working hard and frugal are both virtues.

一个善于理财的人在资金运用上是很节俭的。A good manager is frugal in the use of his funds.

嗯嗯,偶是勤劳俭朴的好孩子。H'm H'm, accidentally is a frugal nice diligence kid.

这个世界上的一些亿万富翁很节俭.Some of the world's billionaires have frugal tendencies.

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节俭的生活要比嬉皮士和喜爱自然要环保得多。Frugal living was green before hippies and treehuggers, too.

而这样的节约心态将会减弱复苏进度。Such a frugal mind-set could take the edge off any recovery.

俭朴的爸爸问到,随着时间的推移越少花钱越容易获得吗?Frugal Dad asks, Does Spending Less Money Get Easier Over Time?

一直以来我都保持着节俭的生活习惯,但是却与极简生活不同。I’ve been frugal all my life, but not even close to minimalist.

一些世界大牌经济学家的小气也是非常出名的。Some of the world's most famous economists were famously frugal.

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我们可以参照看一看世界上最节俭的有钱人们是如何生活的。Take a peek at some of the most frugal wealthy people in the world.

对于那些浪费者而言,很多节俭的习惯不再有趣可笑了。For those who haven't, many frugal practices are no longer laughable.

事实上,塔吉特更有情趣,而沃尔玛则更廉价。Truth is, Target comes across as more fun, and Walmart as more frugal.

一个节俭的人考虑单位使用成本和购买物品的使用寿命。A frugal person understands cost-per-use and the longevity of purchases.

刚开始决定要勤俭持家的人,一般都是从控制饮食开始的。People new to frugal living always seem to tackle their food bill first.

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更多节俭的人则选择蒙德罗和其他公共海滩。The more frugal work on their tans at Mondello and other public beaches.

你不必一定要做这种节俭行事的自由旅行者。You don't haveto be a footloose young traveler to adopt this frugal mindset.

如果你认识一些富有的人,你可能会发现他们其实很节俭。If you know some rich people, you will probably find them to be a frugal lot.