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在脉之间具洼点的无梗小穗的更低的颖片。Lower glume of sessile spikelet pitted between veins.

更低的颖片的长度非常易变,即使在一单个的总状花序内。The length of the lower glume is very variable, even within a single raceme.

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膨胀的最低的小穗轴节间和贴生的更低的颖片形成这。This is formed by the swollen lowest rachilla internode and adnate lower glume.

两种植物的子实及其颖片在大小和形态上极其相似。The size and morphological characterization of the glume of the fruit of the two plants are very similar.

杂交水稻种子存在较严重的裂颖现象,这是不育系的一种遗传特性。Hybrid rice seeds show a serious glume dehiscence which is a genetic characteristic of male sterile lines.

而水稻小穗中护颖的性质究竟是叶的突变形式还是退化的小花也一直没有定论。Whether the empty glume of rice spikelete came from leaf or rudimentary spikelete still remains less understood.

这一小相异,地区分布的表面上,按无梗小穗的有毛的上面颖片主要区分。This is a small variant, apparently of local distribution, distinguished mainly by the hairy upper glume of the sessile spikelet.

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与六千辛A相比,731A开花持续天数较短,开颖角度较小,柱头外露率低,开闭时间略长。Compared with Liuqianxin A, 731A has a shorter period of flowering days, a smaller angle of glume opening and a longer glume opening time.

然而,人工合成小麦的穗发芽抗性与其颖壳硬度的关系尚不清楚。While the relationship between the resistance to preharvest sprout and its glume hardness has not been revealed in synthetic hexaploidy wheat.

降雨主要造成开花率和受精率的大幅度下降,遮荫则使退化颖花和批粒增加。Raining makes mainly flowering rate and fertilizing rate drop in a great extent, shading causes degradation of glume and increase of unfilled grains.

杂交水稻种子存在较严重的裂颖现象,这是不育系的一种遗传特性。Hybrid rice seeds show a serious glume dehiscence which is a genetic characteristic of male sterile lines. The glume-dehiscent seeds are not tolerant to storage.

颖片对假高粱种子的萌发具有物理阻碍和化学抑制作用,是导致其种子休眠的主要原因。Result The results showed that the glume of Johnsongrass had physical obstructing and chemical inhibiting effects on seed germination, and it was the major cause of seed dormancy.