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哦,它真够大个的。Oh, it’s huge.

太浪费时间啦。HUGE time waster.

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这个家伙真大。This guy is huge.

这是一个大谜题。It's a huge puzzle.

这头象很大。The elephant is huge.

她瞪大了眼睛。Her huge eyes widened.

这是个巨大的错误。It was a huge mistake.

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很魁梧Now, that's just huge.

这是一次大的转折。That was a huge thing.

这将是一部鸿篇巨制。The film would be huge.

这个变化是巨大的。This variation is huge.

并且在此制度下的税收是很重的He wanted huge taxation.

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爱好者提供一显身手的机会。I am a huge fan of golf.

这会是一个大的转折点。It will be a huge change.

有一只大黑蜘蛛!It's a huge black spider!

那里有一只大黑蜘蛛。It's a huge black spider.

它的影响可能是巨大的。Its impact could be huge.

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这是一个巨大的转变。That's a huge turnaround.

配音是个巨大工程。The voice acting is huge.

有一缕缕的浓烟,this huge plume of smoke,