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在穿着方面会比较保守。They are conservative dressers.

我想我算是比较保守的人。I guess I’m pretty conservative.

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我不喜欢思想保守的人。I don't like a conservative person.

他自称是一个保守主义者。He listed himself as a conservative.

这些数字是非常保守的。These numbers are very conservative.

当选的是保守党议员约翰·博考。He is the Conservative MP John Bercow.

不要思想狭隘或保守。Don't be narrow-minded or conservative.

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年青人是最不保守的。Of or adhering to Conservative Judaism.

而且这只是一个相当保守的估计。And that's a pretty conservative estimate.

他们保守报纸截尾。Conservative newspapers have censored them.

茱丽叶支持保守派的政治观点。Juliet espouses conservative political views.

一般地讲,老年人习惯势力多一点。In general, old people tend to be conservative.

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不过没有那一家会像捷蓝航空公司那样保守。None, however, will be as conservative as JetBlue.

她太守旧无奈跟上时期。She is too conservative to keep up with the times.

于是,有了路径独立,也就有了保守性。So, if I path independent, then I am conservative.

我想,这就是我们称之为“保守”的原因。And, I guess, that's why we call that conservative.

对于直接而保守的攻击,我们容易作答。The direct conservative attacks are easy to answer.

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戈德华特是一个保守的良知。Barry Goldwater IS the conscience of a conservative.

华伦先生是个保守派,但是与政治无关。Mr Warren is conservative but pointedly non-political.

在政治方面,索恩先生是一个坚定的保守党人。In politics Mr. Thorne was an unflinching conservative.