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一起跑过洒水车.Run through the sprinkler together.

草坪淋水车把孩子们身上浇湿了。The lawn sprinkler showered the children.

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用浇花器弄出来一道小彩虹。Seeing rainbows through your yard sprinkler.

芳香剂瓶设有喷头。The sprinkler is provided with the aromatic flask.

顿警铃大响,漏水系统也启动了。Alarms went off and the sprinkler system turned on.

喷水灭火系统阀和水流探测仪显示板。Sprinkler valve and water-flow detector display panels.

在每层都设有闭式自动喷淋系统。In each floor are equipped with closed sprinkler system.

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保火灾、爆喉、自动灭火花洒渗漏及爆炸。Fire, Bursting Pipes, Sprinkler Leakage & Explosion only.

花洒头之间的距离测量用于灌溉。Measure distances between sprinkler heads for irrigation.

这也是新手操作洒水车常常会遇到的问题。This is a novice operating sprinkler often encountered problems.

自动喷水灭火系统设计规范。NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 2002.

调整低水流量助莲蓬头省水?。Using water sprinkler systems thought adjusting the lower water flow?

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步行小心周围的牌位、草地、花瓶和喷头。Walk with care around memorial tablets, lawn vases and sprinkler heads.

大部分田间喷灌采用通用的旋转式喷头。Most field sprinklers use a rotating sprinkler head of the general type.

一般而言,洒水器的喷头高度刚好就在土壤的水平高度。Normally, the top of the sprinkler head is just about at the soil level.

这一方法可供喷灌及微灌工程设计参考。The procedure is applicable both sprinkler and micro-irrigation systems.

能告诉我喷水体系的管子是在地下室还是在夹层楼面吗?。Are the pipes of the sprinkler system in the basement or on the mezzanine floor?

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随时检查冷却水塔水位、浮球开关及洒水头是否正常酒水团购。Check out water cooling towers, float switch and sprinkler head is normal or not.

景观灌溉系统最常见的类型使用传统花洒头。The most common type of landscape irrigation system uses traditional sprinkler heads.

文章介绍了水添加剂自动喷水灭火系统的性能研究。The paper introduces the performance of the water additive automatic sprinkler system.