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这可能增加来您的性感。This can add to your sexiness.

“性感”已经成为了社会的强音。"Sexiness" has become a social aspiration.

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性感是不允许的,会被人认为是粗俗。Sexiness was not allowed. It was considered vulgar.

这些线可以包括转换以及其它吸引眼球的东西。The lines can include transformations and other sexiness.

显然,即便是带有蝴蝶结或是扎染图案的服装仍会有性感的特点。Clearly, sexiness is still visible beneath the bows or tie-dye colors.

当她们长大以后,新的性别观念也没有给她们带来更多的性权利。Nor, as they get older, does the new sexiness lead to greater sexual entitlement.

而现在我成熟了,如今我觉得这种经过精心算计的性感外表完全是骗人的。And now I've grown up. These days, I find that kind of calculated sexiness deeply spurious.

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做工精致,细腻柔滑,细网孔透出简约和知性。Exquisite quality, smooth and soft, small fishnet disclose your intellectuality and sexiness.

这种女式睡衣,带给人华丽、性感和年轻的感觉。This style of pajamas for women gives people a feeling of gorgeousness, sexiness and youthfulness.

要不了几天,他的体态就恢复到正常的尺寸了,这时他开始表现出强烈的情欲。Presently he has swollen to his normal size again, and then he hoes through a phase of intense sexiness.

在字里行间让你感应到率真,强烈的感性和缠绵悱恻的性感。Therefore , you can realise her straight-forwardness, keen emotions and lingering sexiness among her lines.

性感不久便会枯尽,美貌也会逐渐褪色,但假如能嫁给一个能让你天天嬉笑颜开的男人,噢,那真是件乐事。Sexiness wears thin after a while, and beauty fades, but to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day, ah, now that's real treat.

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性感不久就会逐渐消失,美色也会随之枯谢,但嫁给一个能让你每天开怀大笑的男人,啊,这才真正是令人满意的结果。Sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades , but to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day, ah, now that 's a real treat.

我学会了怎样在理智、平衡、稳定的人的身上找到性感和强烈感情,学会了怎样欣赏他们。I learned how to find the sexiness and the intensity and the compelling sense of fascination and intrigue -- in sane, balanced, stable people.

我很想重新体验他照片里的那些色彩和轻取的性感,并且捕捉到一些巴西元素。I wanted to recapture some of the glow and effortless sexiness of his shots, as well as capture something instantly recognisable and Brazilian.

罗斯曼表示,女性所犯的错误通常围绕“性感因素——穿超短裙、高跟鞋或浓妆艳抹。”In general, Rothman says that some mistakes women make revolve around "the sexiness factor -- wearing too-short skirts, too-high heels, or too much makeup."

文艺复兴时期意大利人对性感的追求体现了一种对个人,个体、身体的空前重视,他们认为美的完美定义和潜在暗示就是性感。The Renaissance Italian who were in hot pursuit of sexiness showed great intersts in the individual, the human body. They thought beauty suggested sexiness.

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我期望在一部细腻深刻的爱情电影中观东健惊天动地地爱与被爱一把,充分展现一下他曾经不经意流露出的性感。I long for a DG movie with a very touching love story so that I can see him madly in love and be loved, so that he can show his indeliberate sexiness to the full.

它扭转乾坤的翻身传奇暂且不表,凭借创新型设计、眼花缭乱的媒体内容和APP软件及其所有产品中散发的纯净性感,都使得这家公司的魅力锐不可当。In addition to its business turnaround, its innovative design, and its media content and apps, the unadulterated sexiness of all its products makes Apple hard to resist.

无论您的家庭生活多么规矩,别人的诱惑和打破规则的勾引能证明是相当难以抗拒。No matter how copacetic your domestic life may be, the temptation of infidelity the appeal of new things, the sexiness of breaking the rules could prove quite hard to resist.