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我干的是跑腿儿的活。What I do is a kind of legwork.

你的竞争者已经为你做了许多详细调查。Your competitors have done a lot of legwork for you.

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通过写诗,你就可以更好的理解其他的诗人。By writing, you are doing the legwork in understanding other poets.

他叫了别人来做所有搜集资料的跑腿活。He asked someone else to do all the legwork of gathering information.

充分的前期研究工作会使艺术品投资成为一种有趣并受益匪浅的经验。Investing in art can be a rewarding and enriching experience if enough legwork is done before the purchase.

搬家公司给你报价后,你可以节省收集情报的时间,可能还会帮你省一些钱。With movers giving you quotes, you can save time by not having to do the legwork and maybe save some cash, too.

应用商店空间是受限制的,但它需要很多有关于营销和查找的跑腿工作。The App Store may be a confining space, but it takes care of a lot of legwork related to marketing and discovery.

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但是,要将这一愿景变为现实,幕后的数据专业人员必须在后端执行大量的后勤工作。To make this vision a reality, however, data pros behind the scenes must do a considerable amount of legwork on the back end.

政府对结果进行检查并决定是否有开展进一步外勤工作的必要性以及最终是否要提起诉讼。The government reviews the results and decides whether further legwork is warranted — and, ultimately, whether to pursue charges.

布拉赫从天堡那里精确测定了777颗恒星的位置,做了大量对后世天文学家来说是非主流的跑腿工作。From Uraniborg, Brahe accurately measured the positions of 777 stars, getting a lot of legwork out of the way for future astronomers.

据推测随后很快有人也采用了这个方法,并对长期以来考古学家们花大量时间跑腿进行了质疑。Presumably this was quickly followed by a wanking motion and a questioning of all the time actual archaeologists have ever spent doing actual legwork.

新闻采访是获取新闻材料的主要手段,不能因为采访对象的不合作态度而人为中止。News legwork is the principal means for getting news material. It shouldn't be artificially ceased when legwork objects take the pose of noncooperation.

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除了基本的信息搜集之外,你还需要多做一些角色扮演的预习,对潜在雇主的企业文化进行深入的了解,从雇主的角度思考自己的技能是否符合职位的需求。Added legwork should include extensive role playing, thorough homework about a possible employer's culture and an empathetic sense of how your skills match its needs.

未来的特许经销商通常需要到处奔波,寻找理想的特许经营店址,而批准权却在特许经营权授权方手里。Inasmuch as the prospective franchisee is usually expected to do the legwork in looking for the ideal franchise location, the franchisors have the right to approve it.

第一个方法很简单,但仅限于Google的扩展项,而第二个则比较麻烦,但允许您安装任何你想要的扩展项。The first is simple but limited only to extensions featured by Google, while the second requires a little more legwork but allows you to install any extension you want.

BigWords网站及其iPhone应用提供了一系列在线零售商的来源,使得学生能够买到最便宜的课本,免除了我们在各个网店上货比三家的时间。BigWords is a site and iPhone app that source a slew of online retailers to get students the cheapest possible textbooks, taking the legwork out of online comparison shopping.

这对于用户来说是有利的,因为只出现了一种身份验证机制,但是需要处理由客户机安装和配置所引起的更多管理性琐事。It’s advantageous for users because it presents only one authentication mechanism, but it requires more administrative legwork due to the client installation and configuration.

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如果你是一个三十多岁的韩国女硕士,那么你可能需要媒人的帮助才能找到爱情,你那忧心忡忡的妈妈甚至可能亲自跑腿给你物色对象。If you are thirty-plus and a woman with a masters degree in South Korea, you may need the help of a matchmaker to find love -- and your worried mother may even end up doing the legwork for you.

你不必看不起从国外医学院或中东一个不知名学校出来的医生,不过顶级学校确实有严格的筛选机制。You shouldn't necessarily knock someone off who comes from a foreign medical school or an unknown school in the Midwest, but top-tier schools hae already done the legwork of weeding out people.