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这就是杰克·鲍尔对做任务简报的自我安慰。That's the way Jack Bauer rationalized the debriefing.

那是一份间接报告,是根据别人告诉他的情况写成的。The act or process of debriefing or of being debriefed.

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地面情况汇报系统将于2010年完成交付。Delivery of the Ground Debriefing Systems will be completed during 2010.

出席由裁判长所召集的裁判小组工作报告会议。Attents the debriefing with the judging team organised by the Jury President.

你认为什么时候能给管理层一个完整的简介?When do you think you`ll be able to give the management team a full debriefing?

危急事件压力会报并不会减轻创伤后压力症候群的发生。Critical incident stress debriefing does not prevent post-traumatic stress disorder.

按照他的工作习惯,随后又召开了一场全面的综合分析会议。Of course there was still a comprehensive debriefing session afterward, as is his habit.

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阿尔梅达在他的任务简报中说,从接到电话到发出警报之间有30分钟的间隔。Almeida stated there was a thirty-minute lag between the call and the alert in his debriefing.

北约在向那些多次执行任务的飞行员进行询问的同时也在审核他们座机上的数据。Nato was debriefing the pilots who flew sorties, as well as reviewing data from their aircraft.

在一项提议中,巴拉维要前往巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡或者卡拉奇的一处安全房子里,目的可能是做一次延展性汇报。Under one proposal, Balawi would travel to a safe house in a Pakistani city—Islamabad or Karachi, perhaps—for an extensive debriefing.

特种作战行动的消息人士告诉人物杂志,第六小队目前正准备回到美国汇报情况,并且悄悄地进行庆祝。Team 6 is preparing to return to the United Statesfor debriefing and a – very quiet – celebration, Special Operations sourcestell PEOPLE.

我知道我们俩正在另一个空间和地点中总结这次经验,并且摇着头对这一戏剧的再度重演感到难以置信。I know that in another space and place we are debriefing this experience, and shaking our heads in disbelief at how it all happened again.

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但是,我们的其他大部分观察员还在返回途中,我们将听取他们昨天在尼泊尔5个选区观察到的情况。But most of our other observers are all coming back and we are having a debriefing about their observations yesterday across the five regions of Nepal.

根据后来的报告显示,当时志愿者们都认为他们是在参加一个关于人体工程学的实验,没人想到这些数字可能与某些单词存在关联。Volunteers believed they were participating in a study on ergonomics—in the debriefing afterward, none had any idea that the numbers might relate to words.

第二天球队回北京开了一个简短的工作报告会议,马克和我也回到了成都,准备重新开始着手谢菲联队的训练工作。The squad travelled back to Beijing the following day to have a debriefing meeting and we returned to Chengdu to prepare for training with the Blades again.

从德黑兰抵达伦敦后,14名男水兵和1名女水兵前往位于英国西南部的一个军事基地与家人团聚,他们与热泪盈眶的家人互相拥抱、亲吻,之后接受了军方的询问。The 14 men and one woman hugged and kissed tearful relatives at a military base in southwest England ahead of a debriefing session, after landing in London from Tehran.

跟ACMI系统一样,NACTS由飞机上携带的挂舱,分布在红旗训练场中遥感探头,以及一个进行任务报告和显示电脑主机系统组成。Like the ACMI system, NACTS is composed of pods carried on aircraft, remote sensors located on the Red Flag ranges , a host computer and debriefing and display subsystems.

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沃尔什直截了当地说,接着打开了录音机,“洛杉矶CTU行政主管理查德·沃尔什特工听取洛杉矶CTU主管特工杰克·鲍尔特工的任务简报。”He activated the tape recorder. "Special Agent Richard Walsh, Administrative Director, CTU, Los Angeles, debriefing Jack Bauer, Special Agent in Charge of CTU, Los Angeles."

第七条组织与实施飞行,应当按照飞行预先准备、飞行直接准备、飞行实施和飞行讲评等阶段进行。Article 7Flights shall be organised and conducted in line with the phases such as preliminary flight preparations, pre-flight preparations, execution of flight and flight debriefing.

“这次旅行前,我总是在考虑我们需要从外界输入什么才能够增加食物的产量。”"Before this trip, I always thought about what external inputs were required to increase food production, " Gabriel Coulibaly said at a debriefing session after our fact-finding expedition.