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不会追究犯了那么小的舛讹的。Such a small mistake is pardonable.

难怪我这么喜欢看电影。Pardonable I like to see a movie so.

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也难怪今年的流行语非凡流行。Pardonable also the catchword this year is particularly popular.

也难怪,这么个老头,也不知道忍了多久了。Pardonable also, so old man, also did not know to bear how long.

它斜睨着自己的长鼻子,那种骄傲的神态是可以谅解的。She squinted down the length of her own trunk with pardonable pride.

可以宽恕的罪孽是指部分美好品行的缺失。A pardonable sin is regarded as entailing only a partial loss of grace.

是说嘛,在这里的几天里没有看见一个装有空调的房屋建筑。Pardonable , we didn't see any house had air condition in several days here.

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难怪很多人已经把它当成睡眠的好伙伴了。A lot of more pardonable the person has regarded it as the good associate of Morpheus.

我只知道,我从未听她说过有哪一起二次恋爱是可以宽恕的。I only know that I never yet heard her admit any instance of a second attachment's being pardonable.

既然大多数椅子被生产者们弄得面貌丑陋、很不争气,也难怪不少人当它透明。Since most chair by generator people do aspect is very deformed, sneakingly, pardonable also many people become it transparent.

这就难怪此前在支付平台上的合作会搅起业界的普遍猜测。This is pardonable what the industry since meeting agitate cooperates in what pay platform to go up before this is general guess.

其实,足协内部“躲”谢亚龙现象的出现是情有可原的。Actually, in the soccer association hides the Xie Yalong phenomenon appearance is the excusable or pardonable under the circumstances.

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难怪有人说,“80后”不懂真正的爱情,不珍惜那种不可逆的贞操,他们喜欢的只是性。Pardonable someone says, "80 hind " do not know real love, do not value the sort of not reversible loyalty, what they like is a gender only.

难怪中国的互联网精英比传统企业的领袖们更积极、更自信、更野心勃勃!The leader that the Internet elite of pardonable China compares traditional business people more active, more self-confident, more on the make!

传统上海式的开放厨房别具魅力,难怪上海人非凡钟情街边小吃。The open kitchen of traditional Shanghai type is fastened attractive, pardonable Shanghai person is particularly loving street edge is fastfood.

革命同志的关系竟演变成了庸俗的家族关系,难怪一些地方腐败丛生,一倒一片了。The relation of revolutionary comrade evolved into low household concern unexpectedly, a few more pardonable local corruption is fascicular, pour.

她年轻时貌美时尚可原谅的矫揉造作此刻不可原谅地继续下去,而且与日俱增,为的是以加倍的矫情来掩盖自己的岁数。The pardonable affectations of her youth and beauty unpardonably continue, increase even with her years, and are doubly exerted in hopes of concealing the number.

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难怪展示这里天际线的长幅彩色照片成了芝加哥最受欢迎也最具特色的旅游纪念品之一。Pardonable the length that reveals here horizon line chromophotograph became Chicago the most welcome one of travel souvenirs that also provide characteristic most.

难怪中华网的董事会在声明中说,“公司资产负债表情况良好,所以将部分现金回馈给股东也是适宜之举。The board of directors of pardonable China net says in statement, "Case of company balance sheet is good, passing on partial cash partner so also is appropriate lift."

也难怪,这本来就是一个跟海洋、跟蓝天、跟大自然一样纯净自由的世界,孩子可以在这里张开想像的翅膀,没有任何羁绊。Pardonable also, this follows ocean namely originally, with blue sky, the world of as pure as nature freedom, the child can open fanciful wing here, without any fetter.