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数以百万计的人使用黑升麻,而没有一点负面影响。Millions of people have used black cohosh without problems.

黑升麻普遍举荐对更年期欧洲的年夜夫。Black Cohosh is widely recommended by European doctors for menopause.

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这是首次评估黑升麻对认知能力疗效的研究。It is the first study to evaluate the cognitive effects of black cohosh.

黑升麻改善了血脂和骨特异性碱性磷酸酵素水准。Black cohosh improved blood lipid and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase levels.

早在很多年前美洲土著人就利用黑升麻的根及根茎作为药草使用。The roots and rhizomes of black cohosh have long been used medicinally by Native Americans.

她的妇产科医生反对她尝试用黑升麻治疗更年期的潮热症状。Her OB-GYN gave her static for trying the herbal remedy black cohosh to deal with menopausal hot flashes.

后三种大剂量使用时是有毒的,而且低血压妇女应该禁止使用总状升麻。The last three are toxic in large doses, and black cohosh should be avoided if a woman has low blood pressure.

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“是否黑升麻结果对于妇女是一个坏消息,依赖于你怎么看待它,”Newton说。"Whether or not the black cohosh findings are bad news for women depends on how you look at it, " said Newton.

方法利用国外权威数据库,查找相关的黑升麻临床试验的文献,并对其进行分析。And many clinical trials had studied the effective of black cohosh in treating hot flashes in menopausal women.

但是,文章也警告有证据暗示黑升麻和肝毒性之间有关联。However, the article cautions, evidence suggests a possible association between black cohosh and liver toxicity.

北美升麻和大豆异黄酮对更年期的健康很有帮助。Both black cohosh and soy isoflavones have been widely studied for supporting overall well-being during menopause.

升麻属植物一种升麻属植物,原产于北温带地区,包括黑升麻。Any of several plants of the genus Cimicifuga, native to northern temperate regions and including the black cohosh.

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在欧,美与澳洲地区有采用北美升麻来纾缓更年期不适而有导致肝脏衰竭。In Australia, America and Europe there are cases of liver failure after using black cohosh for treating menopausal syndrome.

其中的三个试验表明可从草药中获益,其它两个黑升麻和贯叶连翘提取物联合用药试验也记录到使病症减少的治疗作用。Two other trials of a combination of black cohosh and St John's wort also documented symptom reductions with active treatment.

这种北美洲原生植物,具多项研究支持是荷尔蒙补充疗法以外的另一天然选择。An indigenous North American plant, black cohosh is proving to be an excellent natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy for women.

的妇女在超过12个月之后频繁和严重的症状都会减少,无论是否使用黑升麻或安慰剂。The frequency and severity of symptoms declined by about 30 percent over 12 months regardless of whether women were taking black cohosh or placebo.

这篇综述引用了7个用黑升麻治疗绝经后综合症的随机、双盲对照试验结果。The review cites seven randomized, double-blind controlled trials of black cohosh for treatment of postmenopausal symptoms, three of which showed benefit from the herb.