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我们把屋子拾掇一下。Let's tidy up the room.

我当今可能摒挡您的房间了吗?May I tidy your room now?

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彼得,把这一团乱整理干净。Peter, tidy up your mess.

她的闺房干净而整洁。Her boudoir is clean and tidy.

她的闺房干净而整齐。Her boudoir is clean and tidy.

我想剪成齐长的头发。I I like my hair long and tidy.

在一个整洁的房间里我们会做的更好。We can play well in a tidy room.

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你经常打扫书架么?Do you often tidy your bookshelf?

教室整齐清洁。The classroom was clean and tidy.

人忧欢你使每件东中都保持零洁。I like you to keep everything tidy.

玛格达马上动手收拾。Magda immediately began to tidy up.

维持楼层布草房的干净和整洁。Keep floor linen rooms neat and tidy.

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我们能用梳子来保持头发的整洁。We can keep our hair tidy with a comb.

贾维斯说,这种定义太过简单化。Jarvis says this definition is too tidy.

讲卫生,保持教室和办公室清洁卫生。Keep classroom and office clean and tidy.

我们的学校是非常大的,桥和整洁。Our school is very large, brige and tidy.

请整理一下会议记录。Please tidy up the minutes of the meeting.

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客人来之前把这间屋子整理整理。Tidy the room up before the guests arrive.

房间竟然这样整洁,真出乎所料。It be unnatural for the room to be so tidy.

这是苏丝的卧室,它新而整齐。This is Susie's bedroom. It's new and tidy.