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生物材料的选择。Selection of biomaterials.

第一个答案是亲缘选择。One answer is kin selection.

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选择它们的理由。Reasons for their selection.

在选取区域中删除。Delete the isna in selection.

业务对象的选择。Selection of business objects.

真彩色的颜色选择。True color of color selection.

请查看图32中的选择。See this selection in Figure 32.

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这首选曲经常播放。This selection is often broadcast.

升级您的餐厅选择。Upgrade your restaurant selection.

意向书选择多久发生一次?How often does EOI selection happen?

逆向选择是什么意思呢What do I mean by adverse selection?

好啊,你有什么好选择吗?Fine. Do you have any good selection?

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选区里没有克隆来解除链接。No clones to unlink in the selection.

在编辑器类中访问选择对象。Access to the selection in the editor.

下面节选一些杨娜的摄影作品。Here's a selection of her photographs.

厚薄依季节选择更换。Thickness selection depends on weather.

关于期刊的选择,您有何高见?Have you any hints on journal selection?

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执行机构和反馈部件的选择。Selection of operater and feedback unit.

那选择排序要做多少次交换呢?How many swaps do I do in selection sort?

曼奇尼为他选择博雅塔的决定辩护。Mancini defended his selection of Boyata.