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那只船已配备好武装。The ship was armed out.

他们手持刺刀。They were armed with bayonets.

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他们备有逮捕证。They were armed with warrants.

他们或多或少是武装了的。They were armed after a fashion.

门口站着一名手持武器的士兵。By the door stood an armed guard.

武装冲突的可能性。Possibility of an armed conflict.

他们用新理论武装自己。They are armed with a new theory.

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国王统率武装部队。The King commands the armed forces.

重新组建叛乱武装。Reorganizing the armed rebel forces.

步行弓骑兵一应装备由国王拨款购置。Well armed and armoured by the King.

但是他的军队像“筛子”,它的许多军官仍旧和激进伊斯兰组织青年党有干连。But his armed forces are like sieves.

现在詹姆斯有了左膀右臂来对抗湖人。James comes armed for the Lakers now.

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她们采取了武装斗争的形式。They took the form of armed struggle.

中子导弹待发射并启动。Neutron-S missile armed and activated.

这些空降部队装备精良。The paratroops were armed to the teeth.

他因持械抢劫而服七年徒刑。He served seven years for armed robbery.

总统统率武装部队。The President commands the armed forces.

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那次武装起义最后给镇压下去了。The armed uprising was finally put down.

战舰配有16英寸口径大炮。The warship was armed with 16-inch guns.

他配有矛,弓和箭。He's armed with spear and bow and arrows.