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反射炉启动了。The reflex furnace is online.

在什么熔炉中把你的大脑烧炼?。In what furnace was the brain?

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在什么样的炉里炼成了你的大脑?。In what furnace was thy brain?

没有火炉使你闷热难耐…with no furnace to heat you...

金属在熔炉里发出灼热的光。The metal glowed in the furnace.

清洁或更换暖气过滤网。Clean or replace furnace filters.

煤在炉子里被烧成灰烬。The coals were ashed in a furnace.

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中周波感应炉“,”Medium-Frequency Induction Furnace.

采用无氧化还原退火炉。The reducing annealing furnace is _.

从真空炉中抽出空气。The air is evacuated from the furnace.

一股热风从火炉里吹出来。A blast of hot air came from the furnace.

在这个世界的炽热熔炉内被烤焦。Seared in the fiery furnace of this world.

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“方舟天使”的反射炉不能用。The Ark Angel's reflex furnace is offline.

采用无氧化还原退火炉。The reducing annealing furnace is adopted.

炉体轻便易携,且稳固性好。Furnace body is portable and good stability.

熔剂在高炉中起什么作用?。What do fluxes do in blast furnace smelting?

炉有限公司总裁,埃里克阿斯特同意。Eric Astor, president of Furnace MFG, agrees.

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他把她推向开着的炉门。She hooked open the furnace door with a poker.

高炉结瘤是能够预防的。The accretion in blast furnace is preventable.

炉门的启闭是通过手动来进行的。The furnace door is opened or closed manually.