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他妻子用砒霜把他毒死了。His wife poisoned him with arsenic.

砒霜真会让银发黑吗?Is it true the arsenic blackens silver?

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简•奥斯汀“死于砷中毒”Jane Austen 'died from arsenic poisoning'

砷是一种具有毒性的准金属元素。The Arsenic belongs to toxic semi-metal element.

比如说,她那次买老鼠药、砒霜的情况。Like when she bought the rat poison, the arsenic.

朱砂含有重金属砷和汞。Vermilion contains heavy metal arsenic and mercury.

其中海藻的无机砷含量最高。Sargassum has the highest inorganic arsenic contents.

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有机硒排砷作用非常显著。Organic selenium affected excretion of arsenic obviously.

关于含有砷的化合物,尤指含有三价砷。A compound of arsenic with a more electropositive element.

确诊砷中毒以从尿、头发、指甲中检出砷化物为依据。Arsenic in urine and hair or nails is the key to diagnosis.

剖析表现溶液中有几格令的砷。The analysis showed a few grains of arsenic in the solution.

恒河三角洲的地下沉积物中含有砷。The underground sediment of the Ganges Delta contains arsenic.

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像砷和锑一样,铋也是重金属和重化学元素。It is very heavy and chemically resembles arsenic and antimony.

新发现北京顺义区仍有饮水高砷暴露乡镇。Shu nyi district of Beijing has high arsenic in drinking water.

砷可通过风中的粉尘污染空气,水,和土壤。Arsenic can get into air water and the ground from wind-blown dust.

砷是一种有毒元素,天然存在于一些土壤和水中。Arsenic is a toxic element found naturally in some soils and water.

砒霜治疗急性骨髓性白血病的临床结果已经得到了确认。The clinical result of arsenic in treating APL is well-established.

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但是这些地图指出了那些尚未进行砷测试的地区。But these maps pinpoint areas where arsenic has not been tested for.

并含有镍﹐砷﹐锑等少量元素。It also contains some trace mineral like nickle, arsenic and antimony.

砷与铁以臭葱石形式沉淀。Cobalt is dissolved and arsenic is precipitated with iron as scorodite.