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伯利不知道这样的许多妇女,但他知道她是如此。Burleigh didn't know many women like that, but he knew she was like that.

伯利医生随即在他的办公桌圆椅和老农民皱起了眉头。Doctor Burleigh swung round in his desk-chair and frowned at the old farmer.

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伯利说,当医生的邻居罗西基,他心脏不好,罗西基抗议。When Doctor Burleigh told neighbour Rosicky he had a bad heart, Rosicky protested.

这让他错过一个加强自己关于善良是邪恶起源的论点的机会。Burleigh misses a chance to strengthen his own argument about belief in good as a cause of evil.

另外,这项比赛吸引了来自澳大利亚和美国的共80名冲浪好手参加。The event at Burleigh Heads in Queensland state featured 80 surfers from Australia and the United States.

这让他错过一个加强自己关于善良是邪恶起源的论点的机会。By this choice Mr. Burleigh misses a chance to strengthen his own argument about belief in good as a cause of evil.

此外还有赛西尔·柏莱·艾塞克斯上校,也是一位威风十足的弗吉尼亚名门望族——不过我们和他却没什么关系。Then there was colonel Cecil Burleigh Essex, another F . F . Vof formidable caliber-however, with him we have no concern.

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像今天这样的炸弹袭击表明,我们仍需要共同继续打击犯下这种滔天罪行的人。Bombings like today’s demonstrate that our shared struggle continues against those who would commit such atrocities, ” Burleigh said.

虽然伯利的心目中也有他的二战英雄——丘吉尔首相与马歇尔将军,但在他的笔下,战争没有一丝的浪漫可言。Although Mr. Burleigh has his heroes— Winston Churchill above all, but also George Marshall—there is nothing romantic in his description of the war.

伯利在对纳粹和苏联的比较讨论中,以“政治宗教”与“极权主义”这两个概念为基础上提出了他的观点。In his comparative discussions of the Nazis and the Soviets, Mr. Burleigh rests his arguments upon the concepts of "political religion" as well as "totalitarianism."

伯利对二战期间一个往往被历史学家们所忽略的德国暴行进行了一系列的描述,那就是有超过300万苏联战俘在战俘营内被蓄意杀害。Burleigh pays serious attention to a major German war crime in the Soviet Union that historians too often overlook, the deliberate murder of more than 3 million Soviet prisoners of war in POW camps.