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淘宝网、北青网、大旗网以及39健康网均在黑名单之列。and are on the blacklist.

菲律宾政府已宣布禁止陶杰入境。The Philippine government has put Tsao on an immigration blacklist.

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自动找对手会排除与坏人棋友的配对。Automatic search for opponent would rule-out players from your blacklist.

皇帝眼睛一瞪,老脸一黑,就把人惦记入黑名单了。Once throne eyes gaze, age face a dark, remember the human into blacklist.

DEHP目前已经被列入了我国水中优先控制污染物黑名单中。DEHP is already in the blacklist of priority pollutants in water of our country.

别忘了在安保黑名单中的6,000,000个潜在恐怖主义者。Don't forget to add some 6,000,000 potential terrorists to the security blacklist.

有些人很粗鲁,不礼貌或者猥琐,我会把他们拉黑。Sometimes I also pull some people into blacklist if they are rude, impolite or sordid.

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不合格产品黑名单上触目惊心地印着一家家广为人知的企业名字。Substandard products on the blacklist shocking to Yinzhuo a well-known business family name.

而随着过去几年中国社会问题的不断浮现,此一黑名单变得越来越长。As social problems have emerged in the past six years, the blacklist has become longer and longer.

其他经风险管理部调查后认定可以出库的情况。Other circumstances approved by Risk Management Department that can be deleted from the Blacklist.

质检总局表示,"黑名单"里的不合格产品目前均已依法做退货、销毁或改作他用处理。The products in the blacklist had been returned, destroyed or used for other purposes, AQSIQ said.

G20峰会上,两国对于G20是否应该发布一个逃税天堂的黑名单而进行了争论。During the summit itself the two leaders sparred over whether the G20 should publish a blacklist of tax havens.

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航空公司因各种原因将乘客们纷纷列入黑名单,从不良行为到违犯机票规则。Airlines already blacklist passengers for all sorts of reasons, from bad behavior to breaking their ticket rules.

内部黑名单的使用主要在授信申请阶段、放款阶段、贷后维护阶段。The blacklist will be mainly applied in credit facility application, lending and post-lending maintenance periods.

霍多尔科夫斯基遭加刑,俄总理普京可能会被欧盟列入制裁“黑名单”中。Khodorkovsky was aggravating, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin may be included in the EU sanctions "blacklist".

白名单和黑名单都可以使用通配符。Whitelist and blacklist addresses are now file-glob-style patterns, so [email protected], *, or *

此前,瑞星云安全系统默认会把此类网址加入黑名单中进行拦截。Before this, safe system acquiesce meets lucky nebula join this kind of network address intercept undertakes in blacklist.

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此外,欧盟27国还对印度尼西亚的两家航空公司放宽了限制,并把苏里南的一家航空公司列入黑名单。The 27-nation bloc, also relaxed restrictions on two airlines from Indonesia and put a Suriname airline onto the blacklist.

分布式黑名单过滤器会让一个用户的“Delete”操作去警告其他许多用户,注意这个垃圾邮件消息。Distributed blacklist filters let one user's Delete button warn millions of other users as to the spamminess of the message.

萨科齐表示,中国可能因香港和澳门的因素反对峰会拟定“避税天堂”的黑名单。Mr. Sarkozy said that China is likely to oppose the blacklist of "tax havens" at the Summit because of Hong Kong and Macao.