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她说她头疼得简直难以忍受。She complained that her head ached intolerably.

琼忽然觉得这个女孩子太没有种了,简直使人无法忍受。The girl seemed to june, suddenly, intolerably spiritless.

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生命到了他嘴里只有苦味,沉闷而愚蠢,难以忍受。Life was intolerably dull and stupid, and its taste was bad in his mouth.

成为一个家庭主妇的想法看上去是那么难以忍受的枯燥和缺乏魅力。The idea of being a housewife seemed intolerably dull and lacking in glamour.

既然你可以骚骚痒,你为什么让你的脚受瘙痒之苦呢?Why would you let your foot itch intolerably when you are able to scratch it?

沿袭旧制不变的代价之高令人难以承受,这让一些高级官员们震惊。The price of business as usual strikes some senior officials as intolerably high.

因为如果他发现了矛盾的经验,他将变得难以忍受地焦虑。For, were he to notice the contradictory experiences, he would become intolerably anxious.

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一个“悲伤”的人可能是真诚喜欢别人,但与人交往接触时,却烦躁得难以忍受。A "sad" person may genuinely like people, but find contact with them intolerably irritating.

我最近试图读读莎士比亚的作品,可发现那相当乏味,难受得令人作呕。I have tried lately to read Shakspeare, and found it so intolerably dull that it nauseated me.

我最近尝试阅读莎士比亚,却无法忍受它的郁闷,郁闷得我恶心。I have tried lately to read Shakespeare, and found it so intolerably dull that it nauseated me.

他动不动就对别人横加指责,气势逼人。He's always making unwarranted accusations against others. His manner is intolerably aggressive.

太阳,灰尘弥漫中的赤红的圆球,透过他的黑外衣烘烤着他的背脊,令人难以忍受。The sun, a red ball through the dust, baked and scorched his back intolerably in his black coat.

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要使她明了这一事实并看到她顺从地接受这一事实对他来说是极其痛苦的。To make this fact plain to her-and to witness her resigned acceptance of it-had been intolerably painful to him.

水仙据说是一个奇妙的美丽年轻的男人,但无法忍受的骄傲,挑剔,和轻蔑。Narcissus is said to have been a young man of wonderful beauty, but intolerably proud, fastidious, and disdainful.

当少数公民觉得假装满足的代价过高以至于无法忍受之时,便会突然爆发令人嗔目结舌的抗议。And when the cost of pretending becomes intolerably high for a few citizens, sudden and surprising mass protests can erupt.

如果你的老板滥用权力到了令人难以容忍的地步,你就得越过他直接找人事部门或高级经理了。If your boss becomes intolerably abusive, you may have to go above his head to your personnel department or senior manager.

你的老板滥用权力到了令人难以容忍的地步,你就得越过他直接找人事部门或高级经理了。If your boss becomes intolerably abusive , you may have to go above his head to your personnel department or senior manager.

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人口数和资源间的不利关系,往往使得谋生达到几乎无法忍受的困难程度。An unfavorable relationship between numbers and recourses tends to make the earning of a living almost intolerably difficult.

“新的美国政府提出让我们放弃耶路撒冷的方案真是令人难以接受,”这位利库德政客说道。"The new U.S. administration informs us with intolerably ease that we have to give up Jerusalem, " the Likud politician said.

人口数和资源间的不利关系,往往使得谋生达到几乎无法忍受的困难程度。An unfavor-able relationship between numbers and recourses tends to make the earning of a living almost intolerably difficult.