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这是个非常突出的特点。It's very prominent.

他是科学界杰出的人物。He is prominent in science.

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萨利有一个凸出的高鼻子。Sully has a prominent nose.

核仁不明显。Prominent nucleoli are not seen.

突出的后脑,拱形的头顶。Prominent nuchal crest. Domed skull.

她嫁到一个显赫的家族。She married into a prominent family.

她是团结工会中的一位重要成员。She went on to be a prominent member.

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我们有两个最基本的节奏We had two prominent rhythms up above.

茎有显著的节和节间。Stems with prominent nodes and internodes.

而最为显著的变化则是税收政策。The most prominent change is in tax policy.

这一点真的很特出。So that's one thing that's really prominent.

至少某些知名人士是这样认为的。Or, at least some prominent figures think so.

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患有MG的孕妇乏力感更明显。Fatigue can be more prominent in women with MG.

象征是劳伦斯小说艺术的杰出成就。Symbolism is the prominent achievement of D. H.

他妈妈梦鸽也是著名歌手。His mother, Meng Ge, is also a prominent singer.

牙齿颜色为灰黑色、前牙突出。Gray-black color to teeth, prominent front teeth.

他们应该在西方八国集团的平台上更加突出。They should be more prominent on the G8 platform.

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不过,一些杰出的莫斯科市民也看到了希望。But some prominent Muscovites see a silver lining.

须生在表演中作用极为突出。Performances have to born in a very prominent role.

各报在显著位置上登载了这条消息。The newspapers gave prominent coverage to the news.