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我们重建房子了。Oh. We redid the house.

地图的边缘进行了圆滑处理,重做了所有的高山和河流。Smoothed the edges of the map, redid the Alps and all rivers.

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只有再等3个星期,他们将整个程序又做了一遍。Had to wait another three weeks while they redid the whole process.

我们几乎重做了整套房子,从地板到园艺到衣橱。We basically redid the entire thing, from the floors to landscaping.

因此公司修理那些,我们已经收到新批了。So the company redid those and we have already received the new batch.

今早我重新做了这个检查,总分提高了,所以看来这次碰撞结果并不坏。I redid the test this morning and improved the score, so the impact seems to have a good effect.

我大脑里反复回荡着这个调子,所以我就选择了这个然后把它重做成了经典的风格。That just kept repeating itself in my head, and so I took that one and redid it in a classical style.

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我准备充分,但是现在我速度还不够,这还需要几个星期时间恢复。However, now I must train. I redid the preparation, but I am lacking speed and this will take another couple of weeks.

那些纽扣很容易被弹开,因此当她扣纽扣和咯咯笑的时候就能把人们的注意力吸引到她的腿上。The buttons kept conveniently popping open, so that she could draw attention to her legs as she redid them and giggled.

根据改进后的机体计算机模型进行有限元重分析,验证机体改进的效果。According to modified engine block computer model, redid FEA to test and verify the result showed that after modification.

没人愿意在租来的房子里整修厨房或是为孩子重新装修房间。No one ever renovated the kitchen or redid a room for the kids in a rental,” Mr. Yearley said. “I think — I hope — we'll be O. K.

没人愿意在租来的房子里整修厨房或是为孩子重新装修房间。No one ever renovated the kitchen or redid a room for the kids in a rental, " Mr. Yearley said. "I think — I hope — we'll be O. K.