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请给我一个大号摩卡咖啡。Please give me a large Mocha.

摩卡咖啡——古老的香醇Mocha Coffee—An Ancient Flavor

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对我来说那就是一杯薄荷飘香摩卡拿铁。For me it's a peppermint mocha latte.

双倍浓度无咖啡因少泡沫的穆哈咖啡“" "A double espresso mocha skinny frothed."

摩卡咖啡生长于非洲的埃塞俄比亚。Mocha coffee was grown in Ethiopia of Africa.

摩卡咖啡豆珍贵且不易获得。Mocha coffee beans are rare and difficult to obtain.

从此以后,这种不知名的果子和它神奇的果汤就被纪念为名“摩卡”。The plant and its beverage were named Mocha to honor this event.

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蛋糕中夹着一层层自制的摩卡和鲜脆的加州核桃。Layered with home-cooked mocha and lots of crunchy Californian walnuts.

浓郁的黄油,烟熏的香气中夹带着红加仑,黑加仑,樱桃和莫卡的芳香。Rich buttery, smoky aromas of toasty red- and blackcurrant, cherry and mocha.

要使一个人变得爱喝咖啡,让其品尝一杯摩卡也许会是最好的办法。A cup of mocha coffee may be the best way to convert people to coffee drinking.

摩卡咖啡豆是世界上已知的最古老的咖啡品种之一。Mocha coffee beans are one of the oldest known varieties of coffee in the world.

我前面那哥儿们,为了等一杯摩卡星冰,都错过了他的肾脏移植手术了。The guy in front of me missed his kidney transplant waiting for a mocha frappuccino.

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那么,请沉醉在摩卡咖啡的幽幽香气中,让思绪随着蒸腾的热气游走吧!So drench yourself in the aroma of mocha coffee and drift away with your steaming cup.

那些有摩卡爪哇咖啡的日子仍然流连在我崭新成熟的心中。The mental movies of mocha java days linger among my new and clearly mellow state of mind.

我们的专家告诉您如何在此免费咖啡饮料的配方一冰白摩卡拿铁。Our expert shows you how to make an ice white mocha latte in this free coffee drink recipe.

一杯摩卡道出了谁的心声?仅仅是一句幸福的简单,不禁莞尔一笑!A cup of Mocha points to the voice of who? Just a simple happiness, can not help but smiled!

了解如何在这免费的咖啡饮料配方视频与专家提示白摩卡拿铁。Learn how to make a white mocha latte with expert tips in this free coffee drink recipe video.

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热量最高的是星巴克的特大杯黑莓摩卡星冰乐,卡路里含量达561。The worst offender -- a venti dark berry mocha frappuccino from Starbucks -- had 561 calories.

可塑性的成熟红水果的芳香混合了新鲜咖啡豆和摩卡咖啡的香味,令人陶醉。Unctuous ripe red fruit aromas intermingle with hints of freshly ground coffee beans and mocha.

和点一杯加摩卡的马丁尼的时间相比,对咖啡、巧克力和酒精的饮食健康评价要变得更快。And the verdict on coffee, chocolate, and alcohol changes faster than you can order a mocha martini.